class.x <Options> <ascii-input-file> <ascii-output-file>


The class-<num>d.x variant programs, where <num> is one of 4, 5, 6 and 11 work in different dimensions ; class.x defaults to dimension 6.



prints this information and gives a command-line menu to get more information than available in this manual

-f or -

use as filter; otherwise parameters denote I/O files


various types of minimality checks (* ... lvra)

-p* NAME

specification of a binary I/O file (* ... ioas)

-d* NAME

specification of a binary I/O database (DB) (* ... ios)


recover: file=po-file.aux, use same pi-file


original lattice [omit up to # points] only


subpolytopes on various sublattices (* ... vphmbq)


keep some of the vertices

-c, -C

check consistency of binary file or DB


print missing mirrors to ascii-output

-a[2b], -A

create binary file from ascii-input

-b[2a], -B

ascii-output from binary file or DB


applications related to Hodge number DBs (* ...cstfe)

RELATED TO class-11d.x…

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