Create ICC profile


colprof [-options]inoutfile


Verbose mode -A manufacturer Manufacturer description string

-M model

Model description string

-D description

Profile Description string (Default "inoutfile")

-C copyright

Copyright string

-Z tmnb

Attributes: Transparency, Matte, Negative, BlackAndWhite

-Z prsa

Default intent: Perceptual, Rel. Colorimetric, Saturation, Abs. Colorimetric

-q lmhu

Quality - Low, Medium (def), High, Ultra

-b [lmhun]

Low quality B2A table - or specific B2A quality or none for input device


Don't create input (Device) shaper curves


Don't create input (Device) grid position curves


Don't create output (PCS) shaper curves


Don't put the input .ti3 data in the profile

-k zhxr

Black value target: z = zero K, h = 0.5 K, x = max K, r = ramp K (def.) -k p stle stpo enpo enle shape

  • stle: K level at White 0.0 - 1.0 stpo: start point of transition Wh 0.0 - Bk 1.0 enpo: End point of transition Wh 0.0 - Bk 1.0 enle: K level at Black 0.0 - 1.0 shape: 1.0 = straight, 0.0-1.0 concave, 1.0-2.0 convex

-K parameters

Same as -k, but target is K locus rather than K value itself

-l tlimit

override total ink limit, 0 - 400% (default from .ti3)

-L klimit

override black ink limit, 0 - 100% (default from .ti3)

-a lxXgsmGS

Algorithm type override l = Lab cLUT (def.), x = XYZ cLUT, X = display XYZ cLUT + matrix g = gamma+matrix, s = shaper+matrix, m = matrix only, G = single gamma+matrix, S = single shaper+matrix


If input profile, auto scale WP to allow extrapolation


If input profile, clip cLUT values above WP

-U scale

If input profile, scale media white point by scale


Restrict white <= 1.0, black and primaries to be +ve

-V demphasis

Degree of dark region cLUT grid emphasis 1.0-4.0 (default 1.00 = none)

-f [illum]

Use Fluorescent Whitening Agent compensation [opt. simulated inst. illum.:

  • M0, M1, M2, A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp]

-i illum

Choose illuminant for computation of CIE XYZ from spectral data & FWA:

  • A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp

-o observ

Choose CIE Observer for spectral data:

  • 1931_2 (def), 1964_10, S&B 1955_2, shaw, J&V 1978_2

-r avgdev

Average deviation of device+instrument readings as a percentage (default 0.50%)

-s src.icc

Apply gamut mapping to output profile perceptual B2A table for given source space

-S src.icc

Apply gamut mapping to output profile perceptual and saturation B2A table


Use colormetric source gamut to make output profile perceptual table


Use colormetric source gamut to make output profile saturation table

-g src.gam

Use source image gamut as well for output profile gamut mapping

-p absprof,...

Incorporate abstract profile(s) into output tables

-t intent

Override gamut mapping intent for output profile perceptual table:

-T intent

Override gamut mapping intent for output profile saturation table:

  • a - Absolute Colorimetric (in Jab) [ICC Absolute Colorimetric]

  • aw - Absolute Colorimetric (in Jab) with scaling to fit white point aa - Absolute Appearance

  • r - White Point Matched Appearance [ICC Relative Colorimetric]

  • la - Luminance axis matched Appearance

  • p - Perceptual (Preferred) (Default) [ICC Perceptual]

  • pa - Perceptual Apperance ms - Saturation

  • s - Enhanced Saturation [ICC Saturation]

  • al - Absolute Colorimetric (Lab) rl - White Point Matched Colorimetric (Lab)

-c viewcond

set input viewing conditions for output profile CIECAM02 gamut mapping,

  • either an enumerated choice, or a parameter

-d viewcond

set output viewing conditions for output profile CIECAM02 gamut mapping

  • either an enumerated choice, or a parameter Also sets out of gamut clipping CAM space. either an enumerated choice, or a series of parameters:value changes

  • pp - Practical Reflection Print (ISO-3664 P2) pe - Print evaluation environment (CIE 116-1995) pc - Critical print evaluation environment (ISO-3664 P1) mt - Monitor in typical work environment mb - Bright monitor in bright work environment md - Monitor in darkened work environment jm - Projector in dim environment jd - Projector in dark environment tv - Television/Film Studio

  • pcd - Photo CD - original scene outdoors

  • ob - Original scene - Bright Outdoors cx - Cut Sheet Transparencies on a viewing box


Create gamut gammap_p.wrl and gammap_s.wrl diagostics

-O outputfile

Override the default output filename.


Base name for input.ti3/output.icc file