coqchk [ options ] modules


coqchk is the standalone checker of compiled libraries (.vo files produced by coqc) for the Coq Proof Assistant. See the Reference Manual for more information. It returns with exit code 0 if all the requested tasks succeeded. A non-zero return code means that something went wrong: some library was not found, corrupted content, type-checking failure, etc.

modules is a list of modules to be checked. Modules can be referred to by a short or qualified name.



add directory dir in the include path


recursively map physical dir to logical coqdir


makes coqchk less verbose.


tag the specified module and all its dependencies as trusted, and will not be rechecked, unless explicitly requested by other options.


specifies that the given module shall be verified without requesting to check its dependencies.


displays a summary of the memory used by the checker.


displays a summary of the logical content that have been verified: assumptions and usage of impredicativity.


allows the checker to accept libraries that have been compiled with this flag.


print coqchk version and exit.


overrides the default location of the standard library.


print coqchk standard library location and exit.


print list of options

RELATED TO coqchk…

coqtop(1), coqc(1), coq_makefile(1), coqdep(1).

The Coq Reference Manual. The Coq web site: