freefoam combinePatchFaces <feature angle [0..180]> [-concaveAngle <angle [0..180]>] [-help] [-srcDoc] [-doc] [-overwrite] [-parallel] [-case <dir>] [-snapMesh]


These result from e.g. refined neighbouring cells getting removed, leaving 4 exposed faces with same owner.

Rules for merging: - only boundary faces (since multiple internal faces between two cells not allowed anyway) - faces have to have same owner - faces have to be connected via edge which are not features (so angle between them < feature angle) - outside of faces has to be single loop - outside of face should not be (or just slightly) concave (so angle between consecutive edges < concaveangle

E.g. to allow all faces on same patch to be merged:

combinePatchFaces .. cavity 180 -concaveAngle 90


<feature angle [0..180]>

TODO Detailed description of argument.


Remove loose points on edges.

-concaveAngle <angle [0..180]>

Maximum allowed concave angle.


Overwrite existing data.

-case <dir>

Case directory.


Run in parallel.


Display help message.


Display Doxygen API documentation page for this application.


Display Doxygen source documentation page for this application.

RELATED TO freefoam-combinePatchFaces…

An overview of FreeFOAM is given in freefoam(1).


OpenCFD Ltd.


Part of the freefoam(1) suite.


Copyright © 2008-2012 Michael Wild.

Copyright © 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.