gammu [parameters] <command> [options]

Commands actually indicate which operation should Gammu perform. They can be specified with or without leading --.


This program is a tool for mobile phones. Many vendors and phones are supported, for actual listing see Gammu Phones Database.


Parameters before command configure gammu behaviour:

-c, --config <filename>

name of configuration file

-s, --section <confign>

section of config file to use, eg. 42

-d, --debug <level>

debug level (see LogFormat in gammurc for possible values)

-f, --debug-file <filename>

file for logging debug messages

Call commands

answercall [id]

Answer incoming call.

cancelcall [id]

Cancel incoming call


Cancel all existing call diverts.

conferencecall id

Initiates a conference call.

dialvoice number [show|hide]

Make voice call from SIM card line set in phone.

show|hide - optional parameter whether to disable call number indication.

divert get|set all|busy|noans|outofreach all|voice|fax|data [number timeout]

Manage or display call diverts.

get or set

whether to get divert information or to set it.

all or busy or noans or outofreach

condition when apply divert

all or voice or fax or data

call type when apply divert


number where to divert


timeout when the diversion will happen

getussd code

Retrieves USSD information - dials a service number and reads response.

holdcall id

Holds call.

maketerminatedcall number length [show|hide]

Make voice call from SIM card line set in phone which will be terminated after length seconds.

senddtmf sequence

Plays DTMF sequence. In some phones available only during calls

splitcall id

Splits call.

switchcall [id]

Switches call.

transfercall [id]

Transfers call.

unholdcall id

Unholds call.

SMS and EMS commands

Sending messages might look a bit complicated on first attempt to use. But be patient, the command line has been written in order to allow almost every usage. See EXAMPLE section for some hints on usage.

There is also an option to use gammu-smsd when you want to send or receive more messages and process them automatically.

Introduction to SMS formats

Gammu has support for many SMS formats like:

Nokia Smart Messaging

used for monochromatic picture images, downloadable profiles, monochromatic operator logos, monochromatic caller logos and monophonic ringtones

Linked SMS

both with 8 and 16-bit identification numbers in headers


this is SMS format used for saving monochromatic images, monophonic ringtones, animations, text formatting and others

MMS notifications

contains links where phone should download MMS

Alcatel logo messages

proprietary format for logos

You need to ensure that the target phone supports message type you want to send. Otherwise the phone will not be able to display it or will even crash, because firmware of phone did not expect this possibility.

Encoding chars in SMS text

Text in SMS can be coded using two ways:

GSM Default Alphabet

With GSM Default Alphabet you can fit at most 160 chars into single SMS (Gammu doesn't support compressing such texts according to GSM standards, but it isn't big limit, because there are no phones supporting them), but they're from limited set:

  • all Latin small and large

  • all digits

  • some Greek

  • some other national

  • some symbols like @ ! " # & / ( ) % * + = - , . : ; < > ?

  • few others


With Unicode single SMS can contain at most 70 chars, but these can be any chars including all national and special ones.

WARNING: Please note, that some older phones might have problems displaying such message.


Gammu tries to do the best to handle non ASCII characters in your message. Everything is internally handled in Unicode (the input is converted depending on your locales configuration) and in case message uses Unicode the text will be given as such to the message.

Should the message be sent in GSM Default Alphabet, Gammu will try to convert all characters to keep message readable. Gammu does support multi byte encoding for some characters in GSM Default Alphabet (it is needed for ^ { } \ [ ] ~ |). The characters which are not present in GSM Default Alphabet are transliterated to closest ASCII equivalent (accents are removed). Remaining not known characters are replaced by question mark.

SMS commands

addsmsfolder name

deleteallsms folder

Delete all SMS from specified SMS folder.

deletesms folder start [stop]

Delete SMS from phone. See description for gammu getsms for info about sms folders naming convention.

Locations are numerated from 1.

displaysms ... (options like in sendsms)

Displays PDU data of encoded SMS messages. It accepts same parameters and behaves same like sendsms.

getallsms -pbk

Get all SMS from phone. In some phones you will have also SMS templates and info about locations used to save Picture Images. With each sms you will see location. If you want to get such sms from phone alone, use gammu getsms.

geteachsms -pbk

Similiary to gammu getallsms. Difference is, that links all concatenated sms

getsms folder start [stop]

Get SMS.

Locations are numerated from 1.

Folder 0 means that sms is being read from "flat" memory (all sms from all folders have unique numbers). It's sometimes emulated by Gammu. You can use it with all phones.

Other folders like 1, 2, etc. match folders in phone such as Inbox, Outbox, etc. and each sms has unique number in his folder. Name of folders can depend on your phone (the most often 1="Inbox", 2="Outbox", etc.). This method is not supported by all phones (for example, not supported by Nokia 3310, 5110, 6110). If work with your phone, use gammu getsmsfolders to get folders list.

getsmsc [start [stop]]

Get SMSC settings from SIM card.

Locations are numerated from 1.


Get names for SMS folders in phone

savesms TYPE [type parameters] [type options] [-folder id] [-unread] [-read] [-unsent] [-sent] [-sender number] [-smsname name] [-smscset number] [-smscnumber number] [-reply] [-maxsms num]

Saves SMS to phone, see bellow for TYPE options.

-smscset number

SMSC number will be taken from phone stored SMSC configuration number.

Default: 1

-smscnumber number

SMSC number


reply SMSC is set

-folder number

save to specified folder.

Folders are numerated from 1.

The most often folder 1 = "Inbox", 2 = "Outbox",etc. Use gammu getsmsfolders to get folder list.


makes message unread. In some phones (like 6210) you won't see unread sms envelope after saving such sms. In some phones with internal SMS memory (like 6210) after using it with folder 1 SIM SMS memory will be used


makes message read. In some phones with internal SMS memory (like 6210) after using it with folder 1 SIM SMS memory will be used


makes message unsent


makes message sent

-smsname name

set message name

-sender number

set sender number (default: Gammu)

-maxsms num

Limit maximal number of messages which will be created. If there are more messages, Gammu will terminate with failure.

Types of messages:

ANIMATION frames file1 file2...

Save an animation as a SMS. You need to give number of frames and picture for each frame. Each picture can be in any picture format which Gammu supports (B/W bmp, gif, wbmp, nol, nlm...).

BOOKMARK file location

Read WAP bookmark from file created by gammu backup command and saves in Nokia format as SMS

CALENDAR file location

Read calendar note from file created by gammu backup command and saves in VCALENDAR 1.0 format as SMS. The location identifies position of calendar item to be read in backup file (usually 1, but can be useful in case the backup contains more items).


Save caller logo as sms in Nokia (Smart Messaging) format - size 72x14, two colors.

WARNING: Please note, that it isn't designed for colour logos available for example in DCT4/TIKU - you need to put bitmap file there inside phone using filesystem commands.

EMS [-unicode] [-16bit] [-format lcrasbiut] [-text text] [-unicodefiletext file] [-defsound ID] [-defanimation ID] [-tone10 file] [-tone10long file] [-tone12 file] [-tone12long file] [-toneSE file] [-toneSElong file] [-fixedbitmap file] [-variablebitmap file] [-variablebitmaplong file] [-animation frames file1 ...] [-protected number]

Saves EMS sequence. All format specific parameters (like -defsound) can be used few times.


adds text


adds text from Unicode file


adds default animation with ID specified by user. ID for different phones are different.


adds "frames" frames read from file1, file2, etc.


adds default sound with ID specified by user. ID for different phones are different.


adds IMelody version 1.0 read from RTTL or other compatible file


IMelody version 1.0 saved in one of few SMS with UPI. Phones compatible with UPI (like Sony-Ericsson phones) will read such ringtone as one


adds IMelody version 1.2 read from RTTL or other compatible file


IMelody version 1.2 saved in one of few SMS with UPI. Phones compatible with UPI (like Sony-Ericsson phones) will read such ringtone as one


adds IMelody in "short" form supported by Sony-Ericsson phones


add Sony-Ericsson IMelody saved in one or few SMS with UPI


bitmap in any size saved in one SMS


bitmap with maximal size 96x128 saved in one or few sms


bitmap 16x16 or 32x32


all ringtones and bitmaps after this parameter (excluding default ringtones and logos) will be "protected" (in phones compatible with ODI like SonyEricsson products it won't be possible to forward them from phone menu)


Gammu uses SMS headers with 16-bit numbers for saving linking info in SMS (it means less chars available for user in each SMS)

-format lcrasbiut

last text will be formatted. You can use combinations of chars:

left aligned
right aligned
large font
small font
bold font
italic font
underlined font
strikethrough font


Creates a MMS indication SMS. It contains URL where the actual MMS payload is stored which needs to be SMIL encoded. The phone usually downloads the MMS data using special APN, which does not count to transmitted data, however there might be limitations which URLs can be accessed.

MMSSETTINGS file location

Saves a message with MMS configuration. The configuration will be read from Gammu backup file from given location.

OPERATOR file [-netcode netcode] [-biglogo]

Save operator logo as sms in Nokia (Smart Messaging) format - size 72x14 in two colors.


Use 78x21 formatted logo instead of standard 72x14.

NOTE: This isn't designed for colour logos available for example in newer phones - you need to put bitmap file there inside phone using filesystem commands.

PICTURE file [-text text] [-unicode] [-alcatelbmmi]

Read bitmap from 2 colors file (bmp, nlm, nsl, ngg, nol, wbmp, etc.), format into bitmap in Smart Messaging (72x28, 2 colors, called often Picture Image and saved with text) or Alcatel format and send/save over SMS.

PROFILE [-name name] [-bitmap bitmap] [-ringtone ringtone]

Read ringtone (RTTL) format, bitmap (Picture Image size) and name, format into Smart Messaging profile and send/save as SMS.

WARNING: Please note, that this format is abandoned by Nokia and supported by some (older) devices only like Nokia 3310.

RINGTONE file [-long] [-scale]

Read RTTL ringtone from file and save as SMS into SIM/phone memory. Ringtone is saved in Nokia (Smart Messaging) format.


ringtone is saved using Profile style. It can be longer (and saved in 2 SMS), but decoded only by newer phones (like 33xx)


ringtone will have Scale info for each note. It will allow one to edit it correctly later in phone composer (for example, in 33xx)

SMSTEMPLATE [-unicode] [-text text] [-unicodefiletext file] [-defsound ID] [-defanimation ID] [-tone10 file] [-tone10long file] [-tone12 file] [-tone12long file] [-toneSE file] [-toneSElong file] [-variablebitmap file] [-variablebitmaplong file] [-animation frames file1 ...]

Saves a SMS template (for Alcatel phones).

TEXT [-inputunicode] [-16bit] [-flash] [-len len] [-autolen len] [-unicode] [-enablevoice] [-disablevoice] [-enablefax] [-disablefax] [-enableemail] [-disableemail] [-voidsms] [-replacemessages ID] [-replacefile file] [-text msgtext] [-textutf8 msgtext]

Take text from stdin (or commandline if -text specified) and save as text SMS into SIM/phone memory.


Class 0 SMS (should be displayed after receiving on recipients' phone display after receiving without entering Inbox)

-len len

specify, how many chars will be read. When use this option and text will be longer than 1 SMS, will be split into more linked SMS

-autolen len

specify, how many chars will be read. When use this option and text will be longer than 1 SMS, will be split into more linked SMS.Coding type (SMS default alphabet/Unicode) is set according to input text


sms will set voice mail indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


sms will not set voice mail indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


sms will set fax indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


sms will not set fax indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


sms will set email indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


sms will not set email indicator. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


many phones after receiving it won't display anything, only beep, vibrate or turn on light. Text will be cut to 1 sms.


SMS will be saved in Unicode format

NOTE: The ~ char in SMS text and -unicode option (Unicode coding required) can cause text of SMS after ~ char blink in some phones (like Nokia 33xx).


input text is in Unicode.

NOTE: You can create Unicode file using WordPad in Windows (during saving select "Unicode Text Document" format). In Unix can use for example YUdit or vim.


get text from command line instead of stdin.


get text in UTF-8 from command line instead of stdin.

NOTE: Gammu detects your locales and uses by default encoding based on this. Use this option only when you know the input will be in UTF-8 in all cases.


Gammu uses SMS headers with 16-bit numbers for saving linking info in SMS (it means less chars available for user in each SMS)

-replacemessages ID

ID can be 1..7. When you will use option and send more single SMS to one recipient with the same ID, each another SMS will replace each previous with the same ID

-replacefile file

File with replacement table in unicode (UCS-2), preferably with byte order mark (BOM). It contains pairs of chars, first one is to replace, second is replacement one. The replacement is done after reading text for the message.

For example replacement 1 (0x0061) with a (0x0031) would be done by file with following content (hex dump, first two bytes is BOM):

ff fe 61 00 31 00

TODO file location

Saves a message with a todo entry. The content will be read from any backup format which Gammu supports and from given location.

VCARD10|VCARD21 file SM|ME location [-nokia]

Read phonebook entry from file created by gammu backup command and saves in VCARD 1.0 (only name and default number) or VCARD 2.1 (all entry details with all numbers, text and name) format as SMS. The location identifies position of contact item to be read in backup file (usually 1, but can be useful in case the backup contains more items).


Saves a SMS with a WAP indication for given URL and title.


Read WAP settings from file created by gammu backup command and saves in Nokia format as SMS

sendsms TYPE destination [type parameters] [type options] [-smscset number] [-smscnumber number] [-reply] [-report] [-validity HOUR|6HOURS|DAY|3DAYS|WEEK|MAX] [-save [-folder number]]

Sends a message to a destination number, most parameters are same as for gammu savesms.


will also save message which is being sent


request delivery report for message


sets how long will be the message valid (SMSC will the discard the message after this time if it could not deliver it).

setsmsc location number

Set SMSC settings on SIM card. This keeps all SMSC configuration intact, it just changes the SMSC number.

Locations are numerated from 1.

Memory (phonebooks and calls) commands

Memory types

Gammu recognizes following memory types:


Dialled calls


Missed calls


Received calls


Own numbers


voice mailbox


SIM phonebook


phone internal phonebook


fixed dialling


sent SMS log

Memory commands

deleteallmemory DC|MC|RC|ON|VM|SM|ME|MT|FD|SL

Deletes all entries from specified memory type.

For memory types description see Memory types.

deletememory DC|MC|RC|ON|VM|SM|ME|MT|FD|SL start [stop]

Deletes entries in specified range from specified memory type.

For memory types description see Memory types.

getallmemory DC|MC|RC|ON|VM|SM|ME|MT|FD|SL

Get all memory locations from phone.

For memory types description see Memory types.

getmemory DC|MC|RC|ON|VM|SM|ME|MT|FD|SL start [stop [-nonempty]]

Get memory location from phone.

For memory types description see Memory types.

Locations are numerated from 1.

getspeeddial start [stop]

Gets speed dial choices.

searchmemory text

Scans all memory entries for given text. It performs case insensitive substring lookup. You can interrupt searching by pressing Ctrl+C.

Filesystem commands

Gammu allows one to access phones using native protocol (Nokias) or OBEX. Your phone can also support usb storage, which is handled on the operating system level and Gammu does not use that.

addfile folderID name [-type JAR|BMP|PNG|GIF|JPG|MIDI|WBMP|AMR|3GP|NRT] [-readonly] [-protected] [-system] [-hidden] [-newtime]

Add file with specified name to folder with specified folder ID.


File type was required for filesystem 1 in Nokia phones (current filesystem 2 doesn't need this).


Sets the read only attribute.


Sets the protected attribute (file can't be for example forwarded from phone menu).


Sets the system attribute.


Sets the hidden attribute (file is hidden from phone menu).


After using it date/time of file modification will be set to moment of uploading.

addfolder parentfolderID name

Create a folder in phone with specified name in a folder with specified folder ID.

deletefiles fileID

Delete files with given IDs.

deletefolder name

Delete folder with given ID.

getfilefolder fileID, fileID, ...

Retrieve files or all files from folder with given IDs from a phone filesytem.

getfiles fileID, fileID, ...

Retrieve files with given IDs from a phone filesytem.

getfilesystem [-flatall|-flat]

Display info about all folders and files in phone memory/memory card. By default there is tree displayed, you can change it:


there are displayed full file/folder details like ID (first parameter in line)


NOTE: In some phones (like N6230) content of some folders (with more files) can be cut (only part of files will be displayed) for example on infrared connection. This is not Gammu issue, but phone firmware problem.


Display info filesystem status - number of bytes available, used or used by some specific content.

getfolderlisting folderID

Display files and folders available in folder with given folder ID. You can get ID's using getfilesystem -flatall.

WARNING: Please note, that in some phones (like N6230) content of some folders (with more files) can be cut (only part of files will be displayed) for example on infrared connection. This is not Gammu issue, but phone firmware problem.


Display info about drives available in phone/memory card.

sendfile name

Sends file to a phone. It's up to phone to decide where to store this file and how to handle it (for example when you send vCard or vCalendar, most of phones will offer you to import it.

setfileattrib folderID [-system] [-readonly] [-hidden] [-protected]

Logo and pictures commands

These options are mainly (there are few exceptions) for monochromatic logos and images available in older phones. Recognized file formats: xpm (only saving), 2-colors bmp, nlm, nsl, ngg, nol, wbmp, gif (for Samsung).

In new models all bitmaps are saved in filesystem and should go into filesystem section

copybitmap inputfile [outputfile [OPERATOR|PICTURE|STARTUP|CALLER]]

Allow one to convert logos files to another. When give ONLY inputfile, output will be written to stdout using ASCII art. When give output file and format, in some file formats (like NLM) will be set indicator informing about logo type to given.

getbitmap TYPE [type options]

Reads bitmap from phone, following types are supported:

CALLER location [file]

Get caller group logo from phone. Locations 1-5.


In some models it's possible to save dealer welcome note - text displayed during enabling phone, which can't be edited from phone menu. Here you can get it.


Get operator logo (picture displayed instead of operator name) from phone.

PICTURE location [file]

Get Picture Image from phone.

STARTUP [file]

Get static startup logo from phone. Allow one to save it in file.


Get startup text from phone.

setbitmap TYPE [type options]

Sets bitmap in phone, following types are supported:

CALLER location [file]

Set caller logo.

COLOUROPERATOR [fileID [netcode]]

Sets color operator logo in phone.



Sets welcome message configured by dealer, which usually can not be changed in phone menus.

OPERATOR [file [netcode]]

Set operator logo in phone. When won't give file and netcode, operator logo will be removed from phone. When will give only filename, operator logo will be displayed for your current GSM operator. When you give additionally network code, it will be displayed for this operator.

PICTURE file location [text]

Sets picture image in phone.

STARTUP file|1|2|3

Set startup logo in phone. It can be static (then you will have to give file name) or one of predefined animated (only some phones like Nokia 3310 or 3330 supports it, use location 1, 2 or 3 for these).

TEXT text

Sets startup text in phone.


Sets wallpaper in phone.

Ringtones commands

Ringtones are mostly supported only for older phones. For recent phones you usually just upload them to some folder in phone filesystem.

There are recognized various file formats by options described below: rttl, binary format created for Gammu, mid (saving), re (reading), ott, communicator, ringtones format found in, wav (saving), ime/imy (saving), rng, mmf (for Samsung).

copyringtone source destination [RTTL|BINARY]

Copy source ringtone to destination.

getphoneringtone location [file]

Get one of "default" ringtones and saves into file

getringtone location [file]

Get ringtone from phone in RTTL or BINARY format.

Locations are numerated from 1.


playringtone file

Play aproximation of ringtone over phone buzzer. File can be in RTTL or BINARY (Nokia DCT3) format.

playsavedringtone number

Play one of built-in ringtones. This option is available for DCT4 phones. For getting ringtones list use gammu getringtoneslist.

setringtone file [-location location] [-scale] [-name name]

Set ringtone in phone. When don't give location, it will be written "with preview" (in phones supporting this feature like 61xx or 6210).


Scale information will be added to each note of RTTL ringtone. It will avoid scale problems available during editing ringtone in composer from phone menu (for example, in Nokia 33xx).

NOTE: When use ~ char in ringtone name, in some phones (like 33xx) name will blink later in phone menus.

Calendar notes commands

In Nokia 3310, 3315 and 3330 these are named "Reminders" and have some limitations (depending on phone firmware version).

deletecalendar start [stop]

Deletes selected calendar entries in phone.


Retrieves all calendar entries from phone.

getcalendar start [stop]

Retrieves selected calendar entries from phone.

To do list commands

deletetodo start [stop]

Deletes selected todo entries in phone.


Retrieves all todo entries from phone.

gettodo start [stop]

Retrieves selected todo entries from phone.

Notes commands


Reads all notes from the phone.

NOTE: Not all phones supports this function, especially most Sony Ericsson phones even if they have notes inside phone.

Date, time and alarm commands

getalarm [start]

Get alarm from phone, if no location is specified, 1 is used.


Get date and time from phone

setalarm hour minute

Sets repeating alarm in phone on selected time.

setdatetime [HH:MM[:SS]] [YYYY/MM/DD]

Set date and time in phone to date and time set in computer. Please note, that this option doesn't show clock on phone screen. It only set date and time.

NOTE: You can make such synchronization each time, when will connect your phone and use Gammu. See SynchronizeTime in gammurc for details.

Categories commands

NOTE: Categories are supported only on few phones (Alcatel).

addcategory TODO|PHONEBOOK text

getallcategory TODO|PHONEBOOK

getcategory TODO|PHONEBOOK start [stop]

listmemorycategory text|number

listtodocategory text|number

Backing up and restoring commands

addnew file [-yes] [-memory ME|SM|..]

Adds data written in file created using gammu backup command. All things backed up gammu backup can be restored (when made backup to Gammu text file).

Please note that this adds all content of backup file to phone and does not care about current data in the phone (no duplicates are detected).

Use -yes parameter to answer yes to all questions (you want to automatically restore all data).

Use -memory parameter to force usage of defined memory type for storing entries regardless what backu format says.

addsms folder file [-yes]

Adds SMSes from file (format like gammu backupsms uses) to selected folder in phone.

backup file [-yes]

Backup your phone to file. It's possible to backup (depends on phone and backup format):

  • phonebook from SIM and phone memory

  • calendar notes

  • SMSC settings

  • operator logo

  • startup (static) logo or startup text

  • WAP bookmarks

  • WAP settings

  • caller logos and groups

  • user ringtones

    There are various backup formats supported and the backup format is guessed based on file extension:

  • .lmb - Nokia backup, supports contacts, caller logos and startup logo.

  • .vcs - vCalendar, supports calendar and todo.

  • .vcf - vCard, supports contacts.

  • .ldif - LDAP import, supports contacts.

  • .ics - iCalendar, supports calendar and todo.

  • Any other extension is Gammu backup file and it supports all data mentioned above, see gammu-backup for more details.

    By default this command is interactive and asks which items tou want to backup.

    Use -yes for answering yes to all questions.

backupsms file [-yes|-all]

Stores all SMSes from phone to file into gammu-smsbackup.

By default this command is interactive and asks which folders you want to backup and whether you want to remove messages from phone afterwards.

Use -yes for answering yes to all questions (backup all messages and delete them from phone), or -all to just backup all folders while keeping messages in phone.

restore file [-yes]

WARNING: Please note that restoring deletes all current content in phone. If you want only to add entries to phone, use gammu addnew.

Restore settings written in file created using gammu backup command.

In some phones restoring calendar notes will not show error, but won't be done, when phone doesn't have set clock inside.

restoresms file [-yes]

WARNING: Please note that this overwrites existing messages in phone (if it supports it).

Restores SMSes from file (format like gammu backupsms uses) to selected folder in phone.

savefile TYPE [type options]

Converts between various file formats supported by Gammu, following types are supported:

BOOKMARK target.url file location

Converts backup format supported by Gammu to vBookmark file.

CALENDAR target.vcs file location

Allows one to convert between various backup formats which gammu supports for calendar events. The file type is guessed (for input file guess is based on extension and file content, for output solely on extension).

TODO target.vcs file location

Allows one to convert between various backup formats which gammu supports for todo events. The file type is guessed (for input file guess is based on extension and file content, for output solely on extension).

VCARD10|VCARD21 target.vcf file SM|ME location

Allows one to convert between various backup formats which gammu supports for phonebook events. The file type is guessed (for input file guess is based on extension and file content, for output solely on extension).

See also

gammu convertbackup

convertbackup source.file output.file

New in version 1.28.94.

Converts backup between formats supported by Gammu. Unlike gammu savefile, this does not give you any options what to convert, it simply takes converts all what can be saved into output file.

See also

gammu savefile

Nokia specific commands

nokiaaddfile TYPE [type options]

Uploads file to phone to specific location for the type:

APPLICATION|GAME file [-readonly] [-overwrite] [-overwriteall]

Install the *.jar/*.jad file pair of a midlet in the application or game menu of the phone. You need to specify filename without the jar/jad suffix, both will be added automatically.


Delete the application's .jad and .jar files before installing, but doesn't delete the application data.


Delete the application (same as -overwrite) and all it's data.

You can use jadmaker to generate a .jad file from a .jar file.

GALLERY|GALLERY2|CAMERA|TONES|TONES2|RECORDS|VIDEO|PLAYLIST|MEMORYCARD file [-name name] [-protected] [-readonly] [-system] [-hidden] [-newtime]


Goes through phone memory and generated playlist for all music files found.

To manually manage playlists:

gammu addfile a:\\predefplaylist filename.m3u

Will add playlist filename.m3u

gammu getfilesystem

Will get list of all files (including names of files with playlists)

gammu deletefiles a:\\predefplaylist\\filename.m3u

Will delete playlist filename.m3u

Format of m3u playlist is easy (standard mp3 playlist):

First line is #EXTM3U, next lines contain names of files (b:\file1.mp3, b:\folder1\file2.mp3, etc.). File needs t have \r\n terminated lines. So just run unix2dos on the resulting file before uploading it your your phone.

nokiacomposer file

Show, how to enter RTTL ringtone in composer existing in many Nokia phones (and how should it look like).

nokiadebug filename [[v11-22] [,v33-44]...]


nokiadisplaytest number



6110.c phones have place for name for one GSM network (of course, with flashing it's possible to change all names, but Gammu is not flasher ;-)). You can get this name using this option.

nokiagetpbkfeatures memorytype


This option should display T9 dictionary content from DCT4 phones.

nokiagetvoicerecord location

Get voice record from location and save to WAV file. File is coded using GSM 6.10 codec (available for example in win32). Name of file is like name of voice record in phone.

Created WAV files require GSM 6.10 codec to be played. In Win XP it's included by Microsoft. If you deleted it by accident in this operating system, make such steps:


Control Panel


Add hardware


click Next


select "Yes. I have already connected the hardware


select "Add a new hardware device


select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list


select "Sound, video and game controllers


select "Audio codecs


select "windows\system32" directory and file "mmdriver.inf


if You will be asked for file msgsm32.acm, it should unpacked from Windows CD


now You can be asked if want to install unsigned driver (YES), about select codec configuration (select what you want) and rebotting PC (make it)


nokianetmonitor test

Takes output or set netmonitor for Nokia DCT3 phones.

See also

For more info about this option, please visit Marcin's page and read netmonitor manual there.

NOTE: test 243 enables all tests (after using command gammu nokianetmonitor 243 in some phones like 6210 or 9210 have to reboot them to see netmonitor menu)


Reset counters from netmonitor test 36 in Nokia DCT3 phones.

See also

For more info about this option, please visit Marcin's page and read netmonitor manual there.


Get/reset to "12345" security code


Perform tests for Nokia DCT3 phones.

NOTE: EEPROM test can show an error when your phone has an EEPROM in flash (like 82xx/7110/62xx/33xx). The clock test will show an error when the phone doesn?t have an internal battery for the clock (like 3xxx).

nokiasetlights keypad|display|torch on|off

nokiasetoperatorname [networkcode name]


Enable all (?) possible menus for DCT3 Nokia phones:


ALS (Alternative Line Service) option menu


vibra menu for 3210


3315 features in 3310 5.45 and higher


two additional games (React and Logic) for 3210 5.31 and higher


WellMate menu for 6150



and for DCT4:


ALS (Alternative Line Service) option menu


Bluetooth, WAP bookmarks and settings menu, ... (6310i)


GPRS Always Online


and others...

nokiasetvibralevel level

Set vibra power to "level" (given in percent)



Siemens specific commands

siemensnetmonact netmon_type

Enables network monitor in Siemens phone. Currently known values for type are 1 for full and 2 for simple mode.

siemensnetmonitor test


Network commands

getgprspoint start [stop]

listnetworks [country]

Show names/codes of GSM networks known for Gammu


Show information about network status from the phone.


WAP settings and bookmarks commands

deletewapbookmark start [stop]

Delete WAP bookmarks from phone.

Locations are numerated from 1.

getchatsettings start [stop]

getsyncmlsettings start [stop]

getwapbookmark start [stop]

Get WAP bookmarks from phone.

Locations are numerated from 1.

getwapsettings start [stop]

Get WAP settings from phone.

Locations are numerated from 1.

MMS and MMS settings commands

getallmms [-save]

geteachmms [-save]


getmmssettings start [stop]

readmmsfile file [-save]

FM radio commands

getfmstation start [stop]

Show info about FM stations in phone

Phone information commands


Displays information about battery and power source.



Gets network information from phone (same as networkinfo) and prints location (latitude and longitude) based on information from OpenCellID.


Show, if phone wait for security code (like PIN, PUK, etc.) or not


Show the most important phone data.

monitor [times]

Retrieves phone status and writes it continuously to standard output. Press Ctrl+C to interrupt this command.

If no parameter is given, the program runs until interrupted, otherwise only given number of iterations is performed.

This command outputs almost all information Gammu supports:

  • Number of contacts, calendar and todo entries, messages, calls, etc.

  • Signal strength.

  • Battery state.

  • Currently used network.

  • Notifications of incoming messages and calls.

Phone settings commands


Displays calendar settings like first day of week or automatic deleting of old entries.

getprofile start [stop]

resetphonesettings PHONE|DEV|UIF|ALL|FACTORY

WARNING: This will delete user data, be careful.

Reset phone settings.


Clear phone settings.


Clear device settings.


Clear user settings.

  • removes or set logos to default

  • set default phonebook and other menu settings

  • clear T9 words,

  • clear call register info

  • set default profiles settings

  • clear user ringtones


Clear user settings and disables hidden menus.

  • changes like after ALL

  • disables netmon and PPS (all "hidden" menus)


Reset to factory defaults.

  • changes like after UIF

  • clear date/time

Dumps decoding commands

NOTE: These commands are available only if Gammu was compiled with debugging options.

decodebinarydump file [phonemodel]

Decodes a dump made by Gammu with LogFormat set to binary.

decodesniff MBUS2|IRDA file [phonemodel]

Allows one to decode sniffs. See Discovering protocol for more details.

Other commands

entersecuritycode PIN|PUK|PIN2|PUK2|PHONE|NETWORK code|- [newpin|-]

Allow one to enter security code from PC. When code is -, it is read from stdin.

In case entering PUK, some phones require you to set new PIN as well.

presskeysequence mMnNpPuUdD+-123456789*0#gGrR<>[]hHcCjJfFoOmMdD@

Press specified key sequence on phone keyboard




Names key














numeric keyboard


Make phone reset:


without asking for PIN


with asking for PIN

NOTE: Some phones will ask for PIN even with SOFT option.

WARNING: Some phones will reset user data on HARD reset.

screenshot filename

Captures phone screenshot and saves it as filename. The extension is automatically appended to filename based on what data phone provides.

Batch mode commands

batch [file]

Starts Gammu in a batch mode. In this mode you can issue several commands each on one line. Lines starting with # are treated as a comments.

By default, commands are read from standard input, but you can optionally specify a file from where they would be read (special case - means standard input).

Configuration commands

searchphone [-debug]

Attempts to search for a connected phone.

WARNING: Please note that this can take a very long time, but in case you have no clue how to configure phone connection, this is a convenient way to find working setup for Gammu.

install [-minimal]

Installs applet for currently configured connection to the phone.

You can configure search path for instllation files by DataPath.

The -minimal parameter forces installation of applet only without possible support libraries, this can be useful for updates.

Gammu information commands

checkversion [STABLE]

Checks whether there is newer Gammu version available online (if Gammu has been compiled with CURL). If you pass additional parameter STABLE, only stable versions will be checked.


Print information about compiled in features.

help [topic]

Print help. By default general help is printed, but you can also specify a help category to get more detailed help on some topic.


Print version information and license.


gammu returns 0 on success. In case of failure non zero code is returned.


Out of memory or other critical error.


Invalid command line parameters.


Failed to open file specified on command line.


Program was interrupted.


Gammu library version mismatch.


Functionality has been moved. For example to gammu-smsd.

Errors codes greater than 100 map to the GSM_Error values increased by 100:


No error.


Error opening device. Unknown, busy or no permissions.


Error opening device, it is locked.


Error opening device, it doesn't exist.


Error opening device, it is already opened by other application.


Error opening device, you don't have permissions.


Error opening device. No required driver in operating system.


Error opening device. Some hardware not connected/wrongly configured.


Error setting device DTR or RTS.


Error setting device speed. Maybe speed not supported.


Error writing to the device.


Error during reading from the device.


Can't set parity on the device.


No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.


Frame not requested right now. See <> for information how to report it.


Unknown response from phone. See <> for information how to report it.


Unknown frame. See <> for information how to report it.


Unknown connection type string. Check config file.


Unknown model type string. Check config file.


Some functions not available for your system (disabled in config or not implemented).


Function not supported by phone.


Entry is empty.


Security error. Maybe no PIN?


Invalid location. Maybe too high?


Functionality not implemented. You are welcome to help authors with it.


Memory full.


Unknown error.


Can not open specified file.


More memory required...


Operation not allowed by phone.


No SMSC number given. Provide it manually or use the one configured in phone.


You're inside phone menu (maybe editing?). Leave it and try again.


Phone is not connected.


Function is currently being implemented. If you want to help, please contact authors.


Phone is disabled and connected to charger.


File format not supported by Gammu.


Nobody is perfect, some bug appeared in protocol implementation. Please contact authors.


Transfer was canceled by phone, maybe you pressed cancel on phone.


Phone module need to send another answer frame.


Current connection type doesn't support called function.


CRC error.


Invalid date or time specified.


Phone memory error, maybe it is read only.


Invalid data given to phone.


File with specified name already exists.


File with specified name doesn't exist.


You have to give folder name and not file name.


You have to give file name and not folder name.


Can not access SIM card.


Wrong GNAPPLET version in phone. Use version from currently used Gammu.


Only part of folder has been listed.


Folder must be empty.


Data were converted.


Gammu is not configured.


Wrong folder used.


Internal phone error.


Error writing file to disk.


No such section exists.


Using default values.


Corrupted data returned by phone.


Bad feature string in configuration.


Desired functionality has been disabled on compile time.


Bluetooth configuration requires channel option.


Service is not running.


Service configuration is missing.


Command rejected because device was busy. Wait and restart.


Could not connect to the server.


Could not resolve the host name.


Failed to get SMSC number from phone.


Operation aborted.


Installation data not found, please consult debug log and/or documentation for more details.


Entry is read only.



To check it out, you need to have configuration file for gammu, see gammurc for more details about it.

Sending messages

NOTE: All messages bellow are sent to number 123456, replace it with proper destination.

Send text message up to standard 160 chars:

echo "All your base are belong to us" | gammu sendsms TEXT 123456


gammu sendsms TEXT 123456 -text "All your base are belong to us"

Send long text message:

echo "All your base are belong to us" | gammu sendsms TEXT 123456 -len 400


gammu sendsms TEXT 123456 -len 400 -text "All your base are belong to us"


gammu sendsms EMS 123456 -text "All your base are belong to us"

Send some funky message with predefined sound and animation from 2 bitmaps:

gammu sendsms EMS 123456 -text "Greetings" -defsound 1 -text "from Gammu -tone10 axelf.txt -animation 2 file1.bmp file2.bmp

Send protected message with ringtone:

gammu sendsms EMS 123456 -protected 2 -variablebitmaplong ala.bmp -toneSElong axelf.txt -toneSE ring.txt

Retrieving USSD replies

For example for retrieving prepaid card status or retrieving various network info:

gammu getussd '#555#'

Uploading files to Nokia

Add Alien to applications in your phone (you need to have files Alien.JAD and Alien.JAR in current directory):

gammu nokiaaddfile APPLICATION Alien

Add file.mid to ringtones folder:

gammu nokiaaddfile TONES file.mid

Setting operator logo

Set logo for network 230 03 (Vodafone CZ):

gammu setbitmap OPERATOR ala.bmp "230 03"

Converting file formats

The formats conversion can done using gammu savefile or gammu convertbackup commands.

Convert single entry (at position 260) from gammu-backup to vCalendar:

gammu savefile CALENDAR output.vcs myCalendar.backup 260

Convert first phonebook entry from gammu-backup to vCard:

gammu savefile VCARD21 output.vcf phone.backup ME 1

Convert all contacts from backup to vCard:

gammu convertbackup phone.backup output.vcf

Reporting bugs

There are definitely many bugs, reporting to author is welcome. Please include some useful information when sending bug reports (especially debug logs, operating system, it's version and phone information are needed).

To generate debug log, enable it in gammurc:

logfile = /tmp/gammu.log
logformat = textall

Alternatively you can specify logging on command line:

gammu -d textall -f /tmp/gammu.log ...

With this settings, Gammu generates /tmp/gammu.log on each connection to phone and stores dump of communication there. You can also find some hints for improving support for your phone in this log.

See <> for more information on reporting bugs.

Please report bugs to Gammu bug tracker.


Michal Čihař <[email protected]>


2009-2012, Michal Čihař <[email protected]>