gcovr [options]


A utility to run gcov and generate a simple report that summarizes the coverage


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Print the version number, then exit

-v, --verbose

Print progress messages


Specify the directory that contains the gcov data files. gcovr must be able to identify the path between the *.gcda files and the directory where gcc was originally run. Normally, gcovr can guess correctly. This option overrides gcovr's normal path detection and can specify either the path from gcc to the gcda file (i.e. what was passed to gcc's '-o' option), or the path from the gcda file to gcc's original working directory.

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT

Print output to this filename

-k, --keep

Keep the temporary *.gcov files generated by gcov. By default, these are deleted.

-d, --delete

Delete the coverage files after they are processed. These are generated by the users's program, and by default gcovr does not remove these files.

-f FILTER, --filter=FILTER

Keep only the data files that match this regular expression

-e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE

Exclude data files that match this regular expression


Keep only gcov data files that match this regular expression


Exclude gcov data files that match this regular expression

-r ROOT, --root=ROOT

Defines the root directory for source files. This is also used to filter the files, and to standardize the output.

-x, --xml

Generate XML instead of the normal tabular output.


Generate pretty XML instead of the normal dense format.


Generate HTML instead of the normal tabular output.


Generate HTML output for source file coverage.

-b, --branches

Tabulate the branch coverage instead of the line coverage.

-u, --sort-uncovered

Sort entries by increasing number of uncovered lines.

-p, --sort-percentage

Sort entries by decreasing percentage of covered lines.


Defines the name/path to the gcov executable [defaults to the GCOV environment variable, if present; else 'gcov'].


Exclude from coverage branches which are marked to be excluded by LCOV/GCOV markers or are determined to be from lines containing only compiler-generated "dead" code.


Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.


The full documentation for gcovr is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and gcovr programs are properly installed at your site, the command

  • info gcovr

should give you access to the complete manual.