gwb2ged [ lt;basegt; ] [ options ]


gwb2ged dumps a GeneWeb database to a GEDCOM file.

The primary documentation of gwb2ged is in the HTML documentation, which you can find in the documentation directory (/usr/share/doc/geneweb on Debian systems).

Please look there for complete and up-to-date documentation.


If both options -a and -d are used, intersection is assumed.

If several options -s are used, union is assumed.


command-line help

-o <ged>

output file name (default: a.ged)

-charset [ASCII|ANSEL]:

Set charset. Default is ASCII. Warning: value ANSEL works correctly only on iso-8859-1 encoded databases.

-o <ged>

output file name (default: a.ged)


save memory space, but slower

-a <1st_name> [num] <surname>

select ancestors of

-d <1st_name> [num] <surname>

select descendants of

-aws <1st_name> [num] <surname>

select ancestors with siblings

-s <surname>

select this surname (option usable several times)


no spouses' parents (for options -s and -d)


no (database) notes

-c <num>

When a person is born less than <num> years ago, it is not exported unless it is Public. All the spouses and descendants are also censored.