haml [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]


Uses the Haml engine to parse the selected template and outputs the result to the specified file.


--rails RAILS_DIR

Install Haml and Sass to a Rails project

-c, --check

Just check syntax, don't evaluate.

-s, --stdin

Read input from standard input instead of an input file


Show a full traceback on error

-t, --style NAME

Output style. Can be indented (default) or ugly.

-f, --format NAME

Output format. Can be xhtml (default), html4, or html5.

-e, --escape-html

Escape HTML characters (like ampersands and angle brackets) by default.

-q, --double-quote-attributes

Set attribute wrapper to double-quotes (default is single).

-r, --require FILE

Same as 'ruby -r'.

-I, --load-path PATH

Same as 'ruby -I'.


Print out the precompiled Ruby source.

-?, -h, --help

Show a usage summary

-v, --version

Print version


This program is shipped as part of the libhaml-ruby1.8 library package, you can check its corresponding documentation can be found in the libhaml-ruby-doc package.


This manual page was written by Gunnar Wolf <[email protected]>, based on the command-line output of this program, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be freely used by others).