maria [options] \(files...


This manual page documents brie\(fly the maria command. More complete documentation is available in the GNU Info format; see below.

maria is a program that analyzes models of concurrent systems, described in its input language that is based on Algebraic System Nets. The formalism was presented by Ekkart Kindler and Hagen V\(:olzer at ICATPN'98, Flexibility in Algebraic Nets.

Algebraic System Nets is a framework that does not de\(fine any data types or algebraic operations. The data type system and the operations in Maria are designed with high-level programming and speci\(fication languages in mind. Despite that, each Maria model has a \(finite unfolding.

To ensure interoperability with low-level Petri net tools, Maria translates identi\(fiers in unfolded nets to strings of alpha-numerical characters and underscores. The \(filter can be used or adapted to improve the readability of the identi\(fiers.


Maria follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info \(files.

-a limit, --array-limit=limit

Limit the size of array index types to limit possible values. A limit of 0 disables the checks.

-b model, --breadth-first-search=model

Generate the reachability graph of model using breadth-\(first search.

-C directory, --compile=directory

Generate C code in directory for evaluating expressions and for the low-level routines of the transition instance analysis algorithm. When this option is used, evaluation errors are reported in a slightly di\(fferent way. The interpreter displays the valuation and expression that caused the \(first error in a state; the compiled code displays the number of errors. For performance reasons, the generated code does not check for over\(flow errors when adding items to multi-sets.

-c, --no-compile

The opposite of -C. Evaluate all expressions in the built-in interpreter. This is the default behavior.

-D symbol, --define=symbol

De\(fine the preprocessor symbol symbol.

-d model, --depth-first-search=model

Generate the reachability graph of model using depth-\(first search.

-E interval, --edges=interval

When generating the reachability graph, report the size of the graph after every interval generated edges.

-e string, --execute=string

Execute string.

-g graph\(file, --graph=graph\(file

Load a previously generated reachability graph from graph\(file.rgh.

-H h[,f[,t]], --hashes=h[,f[,t]]

Con\(figure the parameters for probabilistic veri\(fication (-P). Allocate t universal hash functions of f elements and corresponding hash tables of h bits each. Both h and f will be rounded up to next suitable values.

-?, -h, --help

Print a summary of the command-line options to Maria and exit.

-I directory, --include=directory

Append directory to the list of directories searched for include \(files.

-i columns, --width=columns

Set the right margin of the output to columns. The default is 80.

-j processes, --jobs=processes

When checking safety properties (options -L, -M and -P), use this many worker processes to speed up the analysis on a multiprocessor computer. See also -k and -Z.

-k port[/host], --connect=port[/host]

Distribute safety model checking (options -L, -M and -P) in a TCP/IP network. For the server, only port is speci\(fied as a 16-bit unsigned integer, usually between 1024 and 65535. For the worker processes, port/host speci\(fies the port and the address of the server. See also -j.

-L model, --lossless=model

Load model and prepare for analyzing it by constructing a set of reachable states in disk \(files. See also -M, -P, -j and -k.

-m model, --model=model

Load model and clear its reachability graph.

-M model, --md5-compacted=model

Load model and prepare for analyzing it by constructing an over-approximation of set of reachable states in the main memory. See also -P, -L, -j and -k.

-N cregexp, --name=cregexp

Specify the names allowed in context c as the extended regular expression regexp. The context is identi\(fied by the \(first character of the parameter string; the succeeding characters constitute the regular expression that allowed names must match.

-n cregexp, --no-name=cregexp

Specify the names not allowed in context c as the extended regular expression regexp.

If both -N and and -n are speci\(fied for a context c, then the allowing match takes precedence. For instance, to require that all user de\(fined type names be terminated with _t, specify -nt -Nt'_t$'. The quotes in the latter parameter are required to remove the special meaning from $ in the command line shell you are probably using to invoke Maria.

-P model, --probabilistic=model

Load model and prepare for analyzing it by constructing a set of reachable states in the main memory by using a technique called bitstate hashing.

-p command, --property-translator=command

Specify the command to use for translating property automata. The command should read a formula from the standard input and write a corresponding automaton description to the standard output. The translator lbt is compatible with this option.

-q limit, --quantification-limit=limit

Prevent quanti\(fication (multi-set sum) of types having more than limit possible values. A limit of 0 disables the checks.

-U symbol, --undefine=symbol

Unde\(fine the preprocessor symbol symbol.

-u [a][f[out\(file]], --unfold=[a][f[out\(file]]

Unfold the net using algorithm a and write it in format f to out\(file. If out\(file is not speci\(fied, dump the unfolded net to the standard output. Possible formats are m (Maria (human-readable), default), l (LoLA), p (PEP), and r (PROD). There are two algorithms: traditional (default) and reduced by constructing a coverable marking (M).

-V, --version

Print the version number of Maria and exit.

-v, --verbose

Display verbose information on di\(fferent stages of the analysis.

-W, --warnings

Enable warnings about suspicious net constructs. This is the default behavior.

-w, --no-warnings

The opposite of -W. Disable all warnings.

-x numberbase, --radix=numberbase

Specify the number base for diagnostic output. Allowed values for numberbase are oct, octal, 8, hex, hexadecimal, 16, dec, decimal and 10. The default is to use decimal numbers.

-Y, --compress-hidden

Reduce the set of reachable states by not storing the successor states of transitions instances for which a hide condition holds. The hidden successors are stored to a separate state set. This option may save memory (-L or -m) or reduce the probability that states are omitted (-M or -P), and it may improve the e\(Ficiency of parallel analysis (-j or -k), but it may also considerably increase the processor time requirement. The option also works with liveness model checking, but there is no guarantee that the truth values of liveness properties remain unchanged. This option can be combined with -Z.

-y, --no-compress-hidden

The opposite of -Y. This is the default behavior.

-Z, --compress-paths

Reduce the set of reachable states by not storing intermediate states that have at most one successor. This option may save memory (-L or -m) or reduce the probability that states are omitted (-M or -P), and it may improve the e\(Ficiency of parallel analysis (-j or -k), but it may also considerably increase the processor time requirement. The option also works with liveness model checking, but there is no guarantee that the truth values of liveness properties remain unchanged. This option can be combined with -Y.

-z, --no-compress-paths

The opposite of -Z. This is the default behavior.




The run-time library for the compilation option


Script for demangling identi\(fiers in unfolded net output

The programs are documented fully by Maria, available via the Info system.


This manual page was written by Marko Mäkelä <[email protected]>. Maria was written by Marko Mäkelä, and some algorithms were designed by Kimmo Varpaaniemi, Timo Latvala and Emil Falck. Please see the copyright \(file in /usr/share/doc/maria for details.