mdb-tables [-S] [-1 | -d delimiter] database


mdb-tables is a utility program distributed with MDB Tools.

It produces a list of tables contained within an MDB database in a format suitable for use in shell scripts.


-S Show system tables. System tables are generally those beginning with 'MSys'

-1 specifies that the tables should be listed 1 per line.

-d delimiter specifies an alternative delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, table names will be delimited by a tab character, or by newline if the -1 option was specified.



MDB_JET3_CHARSET Defines the charset of the input JET3 (access 97) file. Default is CP1252. See iconv(1).

MDBICONV Defines the output charset. Default is UTF-8. mdbtools must have been compiled with iconv.

MDBOPTS semi-column separated list of options:

  • use_index

  • no_memo

  • debug_like

  • debug_write

  • debug_usage

  • debug_ole

  • debug_row

  • debug_props

  • debug_all is a shortcut for all debug_* options


mdb-tables first appeared in MDB Tools 0.3.

RELATED TO mdb-tables…


The mdb-tables utility was written by Brian Bruns.


Access allows for tables to have spaces embeded in the table name. You must specify a delimiter (-d) if you intend on piping the output of mdb-tables to a program such as awk or cut.