efte [[options] files ...]

vefte [[options] files ...]

nefte [[options] files ...]


This manual page documents briefly the efte.

This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others), because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in html format; see below.

efte is a powerful text editor which closely resembles Borlands programming editors for M$-DOS, but is far more flexible and configurable.


efte uses a command line syntax, which is a little bit different from most of Debian GNU/Linux apps.

-h -? --help

Help on command line options.


Ignore any external configuration file and use internal configuration.


Go to line (and column) in next file on command line.


Same as -l. Do not use this option.


Set mode for next files to <mode>. If just plain -m, then use default mode.


Use specified configuration file (compiled). Plain -C does the same as -!.


Load/save desktop from file <.dsk>. If no argument, disable desktop load/save.


Load/save history from file <.his>. If no argument, disable history load/save.


Load 'tagfile' at startup.


Lookup tag 'tag' and display file containing it.


The rest of the arguments are not options, but filenames.


The next argument is not an option even if starting with a '-'. Useful when loading files that begin with a -.


Do not use XMB functions in xefte - useful if you have incorrect locales and you want to use just english fonts.


Select XWindow font to use with xefte. See VIOFONT also.


This is list of variable which might change behavior of some internals of efte.

VIOFONT - select font used by xefte

ISOCONSOLE - when set, vefte is usign ascii symbols to draw tables. This is useful when iso latin charset is used on console.


efte -mBIN /usr/bin/vefte

load /usr/bin/vefte in BIN mode

efte -mBIN -+ -bla-

load file -bla- in BIN mode

efte -l100,30 win.c

go to (100,30) in win.c

efte window.cpp

load file window.cpp

efte -- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

load files -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

efte -D -H efte.dsk efte.his

disable desktop and history loading and saving and load files efte.dsk and efte.his





Default configuration files. Includes all keybindings and menus compiled with cefte(1) from config files in /usr/share/doc/efte/config-example.tar.gz.


cefte(1), /usr/share/doc/efte/contents.html


This manual page was written by Riku Voipio and Zdenek Kabelac <[email protected]> <[email protected]> for the Debian GNU/Linux system.


18 Nov 1999