usage: nose2 [-s START_DIR] [-t TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY] [--config [CONFIG]]

  • [--no-user-config] [--no-plugins] [--plugin PLUGINS] [--exclude-plugin EXCLUDE_PLUGINS] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [-B] [--coverage PATH] [--coverage-report TYPE] [--coverage-config FILE] [-C] [-F] [-D] [-h] [testNames [testNames ...]]

positional arguments:

  • testNames

optional arguments:

-s START_DIR, --start-dir START_DIR

Directory to start discovery ('.' default)

-t TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY, --top-level-directory TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY, --project-directory TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY

Top level directory of project (defaults to start dir)

--config [CONFIG], -c [CONFIG]

Config files to load, if they exist. ('unittest.cfg' and 'nose2.cfg' in start directory default)


Do not load user config files


Do not load any plugins. Warning: nose2 does not do anything if no plugins are loaded

--plugin PLUGINS

Load this plugin module.

--exclude-plugin EXCLUDE_PLUGINS

Do not load this plugin module

--verbose, -v

print test case names and statuses --quiet

--log-level LOG_LEVEL

Set logging level for message logged to console.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

plugin arguments:

  • Command-line arguments added by plugins:

-B, --output-buffer

Enable output buffer

--coverage PATH

Measure coverage for filesystem path (multi-allowed)

--coverage-report TYPE

Generate selected reports, available types: term, term-missing, annotate, html, xml (multi-allowed)

--coverage-config FILE

Config file for coverage, default: .coveragerc

-C, --with-coverage

Turn on coverage reporting

-F, --fail-fast

Stop the test run after the first error or failure

-D, --debugger

Enter pdb on test fail or error