numprocess [-dhV] /<expression>/ [\s-1FILE\s0 or \s-1STDIN\s0]

| numprocess [-dhV] /<expression>/ (Input on \s-1STDIN\s0 from pipeline.)

numprocess [-dhV] /<expression>/ (Input on \s-1STDIN\s0. Use Ctrl-D to stop.)


numprocess will take as one argument, a list of operations to be performed on numbers that it encounters. It will perform those operations on each number and return the result in place of the original number.


  Add 1 to all numbers.

   $ numprocess /+1/ file1

  Convert all numbers from miles to kilometers.  Multiply by 8 and divide by 5.

   $ cat file1 | numprocess /*8,%5/

  Convert from celcius to fahreheit degrees.  Multiply by 9, divide by 5 and add 32.

   $ numprocess /*9,%5,+32/ temperatures

  Find the area of each circle from the given radius.

   $ numprocess /^2,*pi/ radii


For operators, the modifying number goes directly after the operator, with the exception of functions like sqrt, sin, cos, etc.

+ Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication % Division ^ Power function sqrt Square Root (*) sin Sine function cos Cosine function

Constants and keywords that can be used

pi 3.141592654 e 2.718281828

(*) When using the sqrt operation on negative numbers, it will take the absolute value of the number, sqrt it and then tack an i on the end of the result to signify that the resulting number is imaginary.


-h Help: You're looking at it. -V Increase verbosity. -d Debug mode. For developers

RELATED TO numprocess…

numaverage\|(1), numbound\|(1), numinterval\|(1), numnormalize\|(1), numgrep\|(1), numsum\|(1), numrandom\|(1), numrange\|(1), numround\|(1)


There is currently no way to take the number found in the text stream and use it as the numerator instead of the denominator of a division operation.


numprocess is part of the num-utils package, which is copyrighted by Suso Banderas and released under the \s-1GPL\s0 license. Please read the \s-1COPYING\s0 and \s-1LICENSE\s0 files that came with the num-utils package

Developers can read the GOALS file and contact me about providing submitions or help for the project.


More info on numprocess can be found at: