numrandom [-dhV] /[expression]/


numrandom will print out a random number determined by the expression that you give. The syntax and program is nearly identical to the numrange program, except that numrandom picks a number at random from the range expression. If no expression is specified, numrandom will print out a random integer between 1 and 100. Ranges are inclusive.


    -h  Help: You're looking at it.
    -V  Increase verbosity.
    -d  Debug mode.  For developers


Random number from 1 to 10. $ numrandom /1..10/ 7

From 1 to 10 or from 15 to 20. $ numrandom /1..10,15..20/ 16

An even number from 0 to 10 $ numrandom /0..10i2/ 4

An odd number. Notice the starting number in the range. $ numrandom /1..10i2/ 9

A factor of 3 between 99 and 120. $ numrandom /99..120i3/ 111

A decimal number. $ numrandom /1.1..2.5i0.1/ 1.8

A negative random number. $ numrandom /0.0..-2.0i0.3/ -0.8


numrandom is slow when dealing with large ranges to randomly find a number from. This is because it creates a list of all potential numbers before picking one. So it can be memory intensive for large ranges.

RELATED TO numrandom…

numaverage\|(1), numbound\|(1), numinterval\|(1), numnormalize\|(1), numgrep\|(1), numprocess\|(1), numsum\|(1), numrange\|(1), numround\|(1)


numrandom is part of the num-utils package, which is copyrighted by Suso Banderas and released under the \s-1GPL\s0 license. Please read the \s-1COPYING\s0 and \s-1LICENSE\s0 files that came with the num-utils package

Developers can read the GOALS file and contact me about providing submitions or help for the project.


More info on numrandom can be found at: