qtikz [url | file]


QTikZ is a small application to assist in the creation of diagrams and drawings using the TikZ macros from the LaTeX package "pgf". It consists of a text editor pane in which the TikZ code for the drawing is edited and a preview pane showing the drawing as rendered by latex. The preview pane can be updated in real-time. Common drawing tools, options and styles are available from the menus to assist the coding process.

qtikz accepts no command line options other than the name of the file to open.


Full user documentation is available through Help -> QTikZ Handbook. You can also run `assistant -collectionFile /usr/share/qtikz/documentation/qtikz.qhc' from the command-line.


qtikz was written by Florian Hackenberger <[email protected]> and Glad Deschrijver <[email protected]>.

This manual page was written by Agustin Martin Domingo <[email protected]> and Stuart Prescott <[email protected]> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).