Create abstract correction profile given table of absolute CIE correction values, Version 1.6.3


refine [-options]cietargetciecurrent[outdevicc][inabs]outabs




Create initial abstract correction profile


Don't impose output device gamut limit

-r res

Set abstract profile clut resolution (default 33)

-d factor

Override default damping factor (default 0.950000, then 0.700000)


Aim for white point relative match rather than absolute

-f [illum]

Use Fluorescent Whitening Agent compensation [opt. simulated inst. illum.:

  • M0, M1, M2, A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp]

-i illum

Choose illuminant for computation of CIE XYZ from spectral data & FWA:

  • A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp

-o observ

Choose CIE Observer for spectral data:

  • 1931_2 (def), 1964_10, S&B 1955_2, shaw, J&V 1978_2


Target CIE or spectral values, CGATS file (e.g. .ti3)


Actual CIE or spectral values, CGATS file (e.g. .ti3)


Output device ICC profile to set gamut limit (not used if -g)


Previous abstract correction ICC profile (not used if -c)


Created/refined abstract correction ICC profile