Invocation: ssh-agent-filter [ OPTIONS ] OPTIONS:

-A [ --all-confirmed ]

allow all other keys with confirmation

-c [ --comment ] arg

key specified by comment

-C [ --comment-confirmed ] arg

key specified by comment, with confirmation

-d [ --debug ]

show some debug info, don't fork

-f [ --fingerprint ] arg

key specified by pubkey's hex-encoded md5 fingerprint

-F [ --fingerprint-confirmed ] arg key specified by pubkey's hex-encoded md5

fingerprint, with confirmation

-h [ --help ]

print this help message

-k [ --key ] arg

key specified by base64-encoded pubkey

-K [ --key-confirmed ] arg

key specified by base64-encoded pubkey, with confirmation

-n [ --name ] arg

name for this instance of ssh-agent-filter, for confirmation puposes

-V [ --version ]

print version information