SYNOPSIS -c configFile [-s server] [-l logFile] [-d]
        [-p pathToStoreBackup] [-k killTime] [-m] mountPoints...


This script does the following:

- checks an nfs server with ping
- mounts that server via a list of mount points
- starts storeBackup (with a config file)
- umounts that server


--server, -s

name or ip address of the nfs server default is localhost

--configFile, -c

configuration file for storeBackup. if option 'logFile' is set in the configration file, that log file is read online, if it is different from -l

--logFile, -l

logFile for this process. default is STDOUT. you can log into the same logfile as storeBackup

--debug, -d

generate some debug messages

--pathStbu, -p

path to

--killTime -k

time until will be killed. default is 365 days. the time range has to be specified in format 'dhms', e.g. 10d4h means 10 days and 4 hours

--keepExistingMounts, -m

if a mount already exists, do not umount after running storeBackup


List of mount points needed to perform the backup. This must be a list of paths which have to be defined in /etc/fstab. - if you add 'ro,' or 'rw,' to the beginning of a mount point, you can overwrite that option set in /etc/fstab

example: ro,/filesSystemToRead will mount /fileSystemToRead read only, even if the corresponding entry in /etc/fstab mounts it read write

only root is allowed to use this feature!


0 -> everything is ok
1 -> error from storeBackup
2 -> error from storeBackupMount
3 -> error from both programs


Copyright (c) 2004-2008,2012 by Heinz-Josef Claes (see \s-1README\s0). Published under the \s-1GNU\s0 General Public License v3 or any later version