yafc [options] [proto://][user[:password]@]hostname[:port][/directory]


This manual documents Yafc. Yafc is quite a powerful ftp client. It is a console interface to the ftp protocol. If you're looking for a nice GUI client, Yafc is not for you. If you, however, use ftp often and want a fast, powerful, friendly client Yafc is here for you...

Some of the features are recursive get/put/ls/rm, nohup transfers, colored ls, cached directory listings, autologin and bookmarks, powerful aliases and extensive tab completion.


-a, --anon

Try an anonymous login, ie login as "anonymous" with your email address as password. Your email address is first looked for in the config file ("anon_password"), then in the $EMAIL environment variable. If it's not found, a guess is made from your user- and hostname.

-d, --debug

Print all messages sent to/from server.

-D, --dump-rc

Prints the default configuration file to standard output.

-m MECH, --mechanism=MECH

Try security mechanism MECH when logging in to the host specified on the command line. This will override any 'mech' options in yafcrc or bookmarks. MECH is a colon-separated string, supported values are "krb4", "krb5" and "none". The mechanisms are tried in the order specified.

-n, --norc

Do not read the users configuration file. This will cause yafc to use its default settings.

-p, --noproxy

Do not connect via the proxy. This should be used if connection to a host on the local network.

-q, --quiet

Do not print the welcome message with copyright information when starting Yafc.

-r FILE, --rcfile=FILE

Read another configuration file.

-t FILE, --trace[=FILE]

Enable creation of trace file. Trace files are mainly for debugging and includes every response and command Yafc receives/sends. If FILE is specified, use that file instead of the default trace file (~/.yafc/trace/, where pid is the process id number of Yafc.) Trace files can grow quite large and can safely be deleted.

-u, --noauto

Do not login automagically to the host specified on the command line. You can still use bookmark aliases, though.

-U, --noalias

As ---noauto, but bookmark aliases is disabled (for host on command line).

-v, --verbose

Print all responses received (without response code.)

-w, --wait=TIME

Use a different time to wait between connection attempts, in seconds. This overrides the value set by "connect_wait_time" in the configuration file.

-W, --workdir=DIR

Use a different working directory for configuration files and temporary files. Default is ~/.yafc.

-V, --version

Print version information on stdout and exit successfully.

-h, --help

Print a short help description on stdout and exit successfully.


The full documentation for yafc is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and yafc programs are properly installed at your site, the command

  • info yafc

should give you access to the complete manual.


Yafc was written by Martin Hedenfalk <[email protected]>. This manual page was created from the Texinfo documentation by Decklin Foster <[email protected]> for the Debian system.