b fold( b(a, b) f, [a] xs, b acc )


f The function to use

xs The array

acc The initial value for folding.


Applies a function across an array. For example, given a function sum which adds two integers:

  • total = fold(sum,[1,2,3,4,5],0); putStrLn(String(total));

This prints the sum of the values in the array [1,2,3,4,5] The following example uses fold to calculate the final direction.

  • data Direction = North | East | South | West; data Turn = Left | Right; Direction doTurn(Turn turn, Direction current) {

         case turn of {
             Left -> case current of {
                 North -> new = West;
                 | West -> new = South;
                 | South -> new = East;
                 | East -> new = North;
             | Right -> case current of {
                 North -> new = East;
                 | West -> new = North;
                 | South -> new = West;
                 | East -> new = South;
         return new;


    Void main() {

         turns = [Left,Left,Left,Right,Right,Left,Right,Left,Left];
         original = West;
         final = fold(doTurn,turns,original);
         // final = North



Kaya standard library by Edwin Brady, Chris Morris and others ([email protected]). For further information see


The Kaya standard library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2.1 or any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

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