Create a PDF::Reuse view:

 script/ view PDF::Reuse PDF::Reuse

In, add a configuration item for the template include path:

_\|_PACKAGE_\|_->config('View::PDF::Reuse' => { INCLUDE_PATH => _\|_PACKAGE_\|_->path_to('root','templates') });

In your controller:

$c->stash->{pdf_template} = ''; $c->forward('View::PDF::Reuse');

In root/templates/

[% pdf.prFont('Helvetica-Bold') %] [% pdf.prFontSize(20) %] [% pdf.prText(100,100,'Hello, World!') %]


Catalyst::View::PDF::Reuse provides the facility to generate \s-1PDF\s0 files from a Catalyst application by embedding PDF::Reuse commands within a Template Toolkit template.

Template Syntax

Within your template you will have access to a \*(C`pdf\*(C' object which has methods corresponding to all of PDF::Reuse's functions.

For example, to print the text Hello, World at \s-1PDF\s0 coordinates 100,100, use the following directive in your template:

[% pdf.prText(100,100,'Hello, World') %]

Data held in the stash can be printed as follows:

$c->stash->{list} = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'];

[% y = 500 %] [% FOREACH item IN list %] [% pdf.prText(100,y,item) %] [% y = y - 13 %] [% END %]

Formatting can be defined using the Template Toolkit format plugin:

[% USE format %] [% currency = format('A\*^X%.2f') %] [% pdf.prText(100,100,currency(10)) %]

Using existing \s-1PDF\s0 documents

The key benefit of PDF::Reuse is the ability to load an existing \s-1PDF\s0 file and use this as the basis for a new document.

For example, to produce receipts or shipping labels you could create a blank receipt in Microsoft Word, convert this to \s-1PDF\s0, then use PDF::Reuse to add in details such as the order number and customer address.

[% pdf.prForm('customer_receipt.pdf') %] [% pdf.prText(123,643,order.number) %] [% pdf.prText(299,643, %]

Note that the \s-1PDF\s0 document loaded by \*(C`pdf.prForm\*(C' must be in the same directory as your Template Toolkit template.



Render the \s-1PDF\s0 file, places the contents in \*(C`$c->response->body\*(C' and sets appropriate \s-1HTTP\s0 headers.

You should normally not need to use this method directly, instead forward to the PDF::Reuse view from your controller:


The filename and content disposition (inline or attachment) can be controlled by putting the following values in the stash:

$c->stash->{pdf_disposition} = 'attachment'; # Default is 'inline' $c->stash->{pdf_filename} = 'myfile.pdf';

If the \s-1PDF\s0 filename is not specified, it will be set to the last component of the \s-1URL\s0 path, appended with '.pdf'. For example, with a \s-1URL\s0 of <http://localhost/view/order/pdf/1234> the \s-1PDF\s0 filename would be set to 1234.pdf.


Renders the \s-1PDF\s0 file and returns the raw \s-1PDF\s0 data.

If you need to capture the \s-1PDF\s0 data, e.g. to store in a database or for emailing, call \*(C`render_pdf\*(C' as follows:

my $pdf = $c->view("PDF::Reuse")->render_pdf($c);


Jon Allen, [email protected]


Please report any bugs or feature requests to \*(C`bug-catalyst-view-pdf-reuse at\*(C', or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Catalyst::View::PDF::Reuse

You can also look for information at:

  • \s-1RT:\s0 \s-1CPAN\s0's request tracker <>

  • AnnoCPAN: Annotated \s-1CPAN\s0 documentation <>

  • \s-1CPAN\s0 Ratings <>

  • Search \s-1CPAN\s0 <>

RELATED TO Catalyst::View::PDF::Reuse…


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Copyright (C) 2009 Penny's Arcade Limited

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.