Module type

Module type Eliom_mkreg.REG_PARAM_ALPHA_RETURN


Module type REG_PARAM_ALPHA_RETURN = sig end

Creating modules to register services for one type of parametrised pages

type ('a, 'b) page

type 'a return

type 'a result

type options

val send : ?options:options -> ?charset:string -> ?code:int -> ?content_type:string -> ?headers:Http_headers.t -> ('a, 'b) page -> Ocsigen_http_frame.result Lwt.t

val send_appl_content : Eliom_service.send_appl_content

val result_of_http_result : Ocsigen_http_frame.result -> 'a result

Whether the service is capable to send application content when required. This field is usually Eliom_service.XNever . This value is recorded inside each service just after registration.