This document and others distributed with this module describe WWW::Facebook::API version 0.4.18


    use WWW::Facebook::API;

    # @ENV{qw/WFA_API_KEY WFA_SECRET WFA_DESKTOP/} are the initial values,
    # so use those if you only have one app and don't want to pass in values
    # to constructor
    my $client = WWW::Facebook::API->new(
        desktop => 0,
        api_key => 'your api key',
        secret => 'your secret key',

    # Change API key and secret
    print "Enter your public API key: ";
    chomp( my $val = <STDIN> );
    print "Enter your API secret: ";
    chomp($val = <STDIN> );

    # not needed if web app (see $client->canvas->get_fb_params)
    $client->auth->get_session( $token );

    use Data::Dumper;
    my $friends_perl = $client->friends->get;
    print Dumper $friends_perl;

    my $notifications_perl = $client->notifications->get;
    print Dumper $notifications_perl;

    # Current user's quotes
    my $quotes_perl = $client->users->get_info(
        uids   => $friends_perl,
        fields => ['quotes']
    print Dumper $quotes_perl;



A Perl implementation of the Facebook \s-1API\s0, working off of the canonical Java and \s-1PHP\s0 implementations. By default it uses JSON::Any to parse the response returned by Facebook's server. There is an option to return the raw response in either \s-1XML\s0 or \s-1JSON\s0 (See the \*(C`parse\*(C' method below). As the synopsis states, the following environment variables are used to set the defaults for new instances:


Additionally, for each instance that is created, the following environment variables are used if no values are set:


Where \*(C`APP_PATH\*(C' is replaced by whatever $client->app_path returns, with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with an underscore and all characters upcased (e.g., foo-bar-baz becomes \s-1FOO_BAR_BAZ\s0).


Returns a new instance of this class. You are able to pass in any of the attribute method names in WWW::Facebook::API to set its value: my $client = WWW::Facebook::API->new( parse => 1, format => 'JSON', secret => 'application_secret_key', api_key => 'application_key', session_key => 'session_key', session_expires => 'session_expires', session_uid => 'session_uid', desktop => 1, api_version => '1.0', callback => 'callback_url', next => 'next', popup => 'popup', skipcookie => 'skip_cookie', throw_errors => 1, ); $copy = $client->new;


All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase.


admin namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Admin).


application namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Application).


For desktop apps, these are synonymous: $client->auth->get_session( $client->auth->create_token ); $client->auth->get_session; And that's all you really have to do (but see WWW::Facebook::API::Auth for details about opening a browser on *nix for Desktop apps). \*(C`get_session\*(C' automatically sets \*(C`session_uid\*(C', \*(C`session_key\*(C', and \*(C`session_expires\*(C' for $client. It returns nothing. If the desktop attribute is set to false the $token must be the auth_token returned from Facebook to your web app for that user: if ( $q->param('auth_token') ) { $client->auth->get_session( $q->param('auth_token') ); } \*(C`get_session\*(C' automatically sets \*(C`session_uid\*(C', \*(C`session_key\*(C', and \*(C`session_expires\*(C' for $client. It returns nothing. See WWW::Facebook::API::Auth for details.


Work with the canvas. See WWW::Facebook::API::Canvas. $response = $client->canvas->get_user( $q ) $response = $client->canvas->get_fb_params( $q ) $response = $client->canvas->get_non_fb_params( $q ) $response = $client->canvas->validate_sig( $q ) $response = $client->canvas->in_fb_canvas( $q ) $response = $client->canvas->in_frame( $q )


comments namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Comments).


connect namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Connect).


data namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Data). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->data->set_cookie( uid => 23, qw/name foo value bar/); $cookies = $client->data->get_cookies( uid => 4534, name => 'foo', );


events namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Events). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->events->get( uid => 'uid', eids => [@eids], start_time => 'utc', end_time => 'utc', rsvp_status => 'attending|unsure|declined|not_replied', ); $response = $client->events->get_members( eid => 233 );


fbml namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::FBML). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->fbml->set_ref_handle( handle => '', fbml => ''); $response = $client->fbml->refresh_img_src( url => ''); $response = $client->fbml->refresh_ref_url( url => '');


feed namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Feed). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->feed->publish_story_to_user( title => 'title', body => 'markup', ... ); $response = $client->feed->publish_action_of_user( title => 'title', body => 'markup', ... ); $response = $client->feed->publish_templatized_action( actor_id => 'title', title_template => 'markup', ... );


fql namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::FQL): $response = $client->fql->query( query => 'FQL query' );


friends namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Friends). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->friends->get; $response = $client->friends->get_app_users; $response = $client->friends->are_friends( uids1 => [1,5,8], uids2 => [2,3,4] ); $response = $client->friends->get_lists;


groups namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Groups). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->groups->get( uid => 234324, gids => [2423,334] ); $response = $client->groups->get_members( gid => 32 );


intl namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Intl).


links namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Links).


liveMesssage namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::LiveMesssage).


message namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Message).


notes namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Notes).


notifications namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Notifications). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->notifications->get; $response = $client->notifications->send( to_ids => [ 1, 3 ], notification => 'FBML notification markup', ); $response = $client->notifications->send_email( recipients => [1, 2343, 445], subject => 'subject', text => 'text version of email body', fbml => 'fbml version of email body', );


pages namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Pages). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->pages->get_info( page_ids => [@pages], fields => [@fields], uid => 'user', type => 'page type', ); $page_added_app = $client->pages->is_app_added( page_id => 'page' ); $is_admin = $client->pages->is_admin( page_id => 'page' ); $is_fan = $client->pages->is_fan( page_id => 'page', uid => 'uid' )


permissions namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Permissions).


photos namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Photos). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->photos->add_tag( pid => 2, tag_uid => 3, tag_text => "me", x => 5, y => 6 ); $response = $client->photos->create_album( name => 'fun in the sun', location => 'California', description => "Summer '07", ); $response = $client->photos->get( aid => 2, pids => [4,7,8] ); $response = $client->photos->get_albums( uid => 1, pids => [3,5] ); $response = $client->photos->get_tags( pids => [4,5] ); $response = $client->photos->upload( aid => 5, caption => 'beach', data => 'raw data', );


profile namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Profile). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->profile->get_fbml( uid => 3 ); $response = $client->profile->set_fbml( uid => 5, profile => 'markup', profile_action => 'markup', mobile_profile => 'markup', );


sms namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::SMS).


status namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Status).


stream namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Stream).


users namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Users). All method names from the Facebook \s-1API\s0 are lower_cased instead of CamelCase: $response = $client->users->get_info( uids => 2343, fields => [ qw/about_me quotes/ ] ); $uid = $client->users->get_logged_in_user; $response = $client->users->has_app_permission( ext_perm => 'status_update|photo_upload' ); $app_added = $client->users->is_app_user; $response = $client->users->set_status( status => 'status message', clear => 1|0, );


video namespace of the \s-1API\s0 (See WWW::Facebook::API::Video).


These are methods to get/set the object's attributes. The developer's \s-1API\s0 key. If $ENV{'WFA_API_KEY'} is set, all instances will be initialized with its value. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation for more information. Which version to use (default is \*(L"1.0\*(R", which is the latest one supported currently). Corresponds to the argument \*(C`v\*(C' that is passed in to methods as a parameter.


The application id where your Facebook app is described, e.g.: Remember, \*(C`WWW::Facebook::API\*(C' is not that clairvoyant: You must first set this number (when calling \*(C`new()\*(C') in order to use it.


If using the Facebook canvas, the path to your application. For example if your application is at this should be "example".


The apps uri for Facebook apps. The default is The callback \s-1URL\s0 for your application. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation. Just a convenient place holder for the value. Takes in two values, the first setting the object's last_call_success attribute, and the second setting the object's last_error attribute. Returns an array reference containing the last_call_success and last_error values, in that order: my $response = $client->call_success( 1, undef ); if ( $response->[0] == 1 ) { print 'Last call successful'; } if ( not defined $response->[1] ) { print 'Error message is undefined'; }

$client->call_success( 0,'2: The service is not available at this time.');

$response = $client->call_success; if ( not $response->[0] ) { print 'Last call unsuccessful'; } if ( not defined $response->[1] ) { print "Error $response->[1]"; } The \*(C`call\*(C' method calls this method, and shouldn't need to be called to set anything, just to get the value later if \*(C`throw_errors\*(C' is false.


Used when instantiating a new object to set the environment variables. The file has a simple, BASH-style format: WFA_API_KEY_MYAPP=383378efa485934bc WFA_SECRET_MYAPP=234234ac902f340923 WFA_SESSION_KEY_MYAPP=34589349abce989d WFA_DESKTOP_MYAPP=1 If the file is found, and the environment variables are already set, then the variables will not be changed.


A boolean set to either true or false, determining if debugging messages should be carped for \s-1REST\s0 calls. Defaults to 0.


A boolean signifying if the client is being used for a desktop application. If $ENV{'WFA_DESKTOP'} is set, all instances will be initialized with its value. Defaults to 0 otherwise. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation for more information.


The default format to use if none is supplied with an \s-1API\s0 method call. Currently available options are \s-1XML\s0 and \s-1JSON\s0. Defaults to \s-1JSON\s0.


A boolean set to true or false, to show whether the last call was successful or not. Called by \*(C`call_success\*(C'. Defaults to 1. A string holding the error message of the last failed call to the \s-1REST\s0 server. Called by \*(C`call_success\*(C'. Defaults to undef. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation's Authentication Guide. Just a convenient place holder for the value.


Defaults to 1. If set to true, the response returned by each method call will be a Perl structure (see each method for the structure it will return). If it is set to 0, the response string from the server will be returned. (The response string is unescaped if the 'desktop' attribute is false). See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation's Authentication Guide. Just a convenient place holder for the value. Stores the current query object to use (either \s-1CGI\s0 or Apache::Request) but really anything that implements the \*(C`param()\*(C' method can be used. N.B. When using \*(C`require_*\*(C' methods below, Apache::Request will croak because it does not implement a redirect method. For a desktop application, this is the secret that is used for calling \*(C`auth->create_token\*(C' and \*(C`auth->get_session\*(C'. For a web application, secret is used for all calls to the \s-1API\s0. If $ENV{'WFA_SECRET'} is set, all instances will be initialized with its value. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation under Authentication for more information. The server uri to access the Facebook \s-1REST\s0 server. Default is ''. Used to make calls to the Facebook server, and useful for testing. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation. The session expire timestamp for the client's user. Automatically set when \*(C`$client->auth->get_session\*(C' is called. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation. The session key for the client's user. Automatically set when \*(C`$client->auth->get_session\*(C' is called. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation. The session's uid for the client's user. Automatically set when \*(C`$client->auth->get_session\*(C' is called. See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation.


See the Facebook \s-1API\s0 documentation's Authentication Guide. Just a convenient place holder for the value.


A boolean set to either true of false, signifying whether or not to \*(C`confess\*(C' when an error is returned from the \s-1REST\s0 server.


The LWP::UserAgent agent used to communicate with the \s-1REST\s0 server. The agent_alias is initially set to \*(L"Perl-WWW-Facebook-API/0.4.18\*(R".


The method which other submodules within WWW::Facebook::API use to call the Facebook \s-1REST\s0 interface. It takes in a string signifying the method to be called (e.g., 'auth.getSession'), and key/value pairs for the parameters to use:

    $client->call( 'auth.getSession', auth_token => 'b3324235e' );

For all calls, if \*(C` parse \*(C' is set to true and an empty hash/array reference is returned from facebook, nothing will be returned instead of the empty hash/array reference. Generates a sig when given a parameters hash reference and a secret key. Returns the \s-1URL\s0 to add your application with the parameters (that are given) included. Note that the \s-1API\s0 key and the \s-1API\s0 version parameters are also included automatically. If the \*(C`next\*(C' parameter is passed in, it's string-escaped. Used for platform applications: $response = $client->get_add_url( next => '' );

# prints # & print $response;


Returns the \s-1URL\s0 to your application, if using the Facebook canvas. Uses <$client->app_path>, which you have to set yourself (See <app_path> below). Returns the \s-1URL\s0 to Facebook. You can specifiy a specific network as a parameter: $response = $client->get_facebook_url( 'apps' ); print $response; # prints


Returns the \s-1URL\s0 for the user to generate an infinite session for your application: $response = $client->get_infinite_session_url;

# prints print $response; From what I've seen, the session keys that Facebook returns don't expire automatically, so as long as you don't call $client->auth->logout, you shouldn't even need to worry about this. Returns the \s-1URL\s0 to login to your application with the parameters (that are defined) included. If the \*(C`next\*(C' parameter is passed in, it's string-escaped: $response = $client->get_login_url( next => '' );

# prints # & print $response; Called by all the above \*(C`get_*_url\*(C' methods above. $type can be 'login', 'app', 'add', 'facebook', 'infinite_session', or 'custom'. @args contains the query parameters for the the cases when $type is not 'app' or 'facebook'. In the case of 'custom', the first item in @args is the url path relative to the facebook website. All of the \*(C`get_*_url\*(C' methods correspond to the ones in the official \s-1PHP\s0 client. Pass in the params and the response from a call, and it will make a formatted string out of it showing the parameters used, and the response received. Called by \*(C`require()\*(C' to redirect the user either within the canvas or without. If no <$query_object> is defined, then whatever is in \*(C`$client->query\*(C' will be used. (See WWW::Facebook::API::Canvas) If no redirect is required, nothing is returned. That is the only case when there is no return value. If a redirect is required, there are two cases that are covered:

user not logged in

If there isn't a user logged in to Facebook's system, then a redirect to the Facebook login page is printed to \s-1STDOUT\s0 with a next parameter to the appropriate page. The redirect is called with the the \s-1CGI\s0 module that comes standard with perl. The return value in this case is 1.

user logged in

If the user is logged in to Facebook, and a redirect is required, the necessary \s-1FBML\s0 is returned: \*(C`<fb:redirect url="WHATEVER">\*(C'. So the return value is the \s-1FBML\s0, which you can then print to \s-1STDOUT\s0.

Redirects the user to what \*(C`get_add_url()\*(C' returns. See \*(C`require()\*(C' below for the $query parameter. Redirects the user to what \*(C`get_login_url( canvas =\*(C' '1' )> returns. See \*(C`require()\*(C' below for the $query parameter. Redirects the user to what \*(C`get_login_url()\*(C' returns. See \*(C`require()\*(C' below for the $query parameter. The official \s-1PHP\s0 client has \*(C`require_*\*(C' methods that take no arguments. Logically, you better know what you want to require when you call each of them, so this \s-1API\s0 consolidates them into one method. The valid values for $what are 'add', 'frame', and 'login'. $query is the query object to use (most likely \s-1CGI\s0). If $query is undefined, the value of \*(C` $client-\*(C'query >> is used. Sets the \*(C`user\*(C', \*(C`session_key\*(C', and \*(C`session_expires\*(C' all at once.


Returns its parameter with all the escape sequences unescaped. If you're using a web app, this is done automatically to the response. Checks the signature for a given set of parameters against an expected value.


Called by both \*(C`get_login_url\*(C' and \*(C`get_add_url\*(C' to process any of their parameters. Prepends the api_key and the version number as parameters and returns the parameter string.


Makes sure all the values of the $params_hashref that need to be set are set. Uses the defaults for those values that are needed and not supplied. Format method parameters (given in %args) according to Facebook \s-1API\s0 specification. Returns a list of items: A hash reference of the newly formatted params (based on %params) and the raw data (and filename, if passed in) if the call is a photo or video upload: ($params, $raw_data, $filename) = $self->_format_and_check_params( $method, %args ); Determines if the response is an error, and logs it appropriately. Returns true if response is an error, false otherwise. Determines if the response is an empty hash or array reference. Returns true if the response is empty, false otherwise. Used by \*(C`call\*(C' to post the request to the \s-1REST\s0 server and return the response. $raw_data and $filename are used when uploading a photo or video to Facebook.


Parses the response from a call to the Facebook server to make it a Perl data structure, and returns the result.


Returns a new instance of JSON::Any. Reformats the response according to whether the app is a desktop app, if the response should be parsed (i.e., changed to a Perlish structure), if the response is empty, etc. Returns the reformatted response.


JSON::Any was not able to load one of the \s-1JSON\s0 modules it uses to parse \s-1JSON\s0. Please make sure you have one (of the several) \s-1JSON\s0 modules it can use installed. This means that there's most likely an error in the server you are using to communicate to the Facebook \s-1REST\s0 server. Look at the traceback to determine why an error was thrown. Double-check that \*(C`server_uri\*(C' is set to the right location. Cannot create the needed subclass method. Contact the developer to report. Cannot create the needed attribute method. Contact the developer to report.

_format_and_check_params must be called in list context!

You're using a private method call and you're not calling it in list context. It returns a list of items, all of which should be interesting to you. Cannot open the configuration file. Make sure the filename is correct and that the program has the appropriate permissions. Cannot close the configuration file. Make sure the filename is correct and that the program has the appropriate permissions.


Id numbers returned by Facebook are being rounded. What is the problem?

The \s-1JSON\s0 module that is installed on your system is converting the numbers to Perl and is losing precision in the process. Make sure you have the latest \s-1JSON::XS\s0 module installed or \s-1JSON::DWIW\s0 (any recent version of either should work).

How do I run the examples in the examples directory?

There are two types of examples in the examples directory, desktop-based and web-based. With desktop-based, the api key and secret key are prompted for on \s-1STDIN\s0, and then the user's browser is opened and directed to the Facebook log in page. Currently, the desktop-based examples pause for 20 seconds to allow for the user to enter in their credentials. With web-based, you have to pass in the api key, secret key, and app path to the constructor, and then place the script at the callback url you specified in the Facebook setup for your application. For instance, when using the web-based example, you might have the following callback url (note the trailing slash): You have to make sure the required Perl modules are in the @INC path for the web server process, otherwise there will be a 500 Internal Server error. The easiest way to do that is to put the following at the top of the example script (as long as \*(L"path-to-perl5-libs\*(R" is readable by the web server process): use lib "path-to-perl5-libs"; This usually means that your forms are using \s-1GET\s0 rather than \s-1POST\s0 to Facebook URLs. Change your forms to use \s-1POST\s0 and the problem should be resolved. (See RT#31620 and RT#31944 for more information).


WWW::Facebook::API requires no configuration files or environment variables.


version Crypt::SSLeay Digest::MD5 JSON::Any Time::HiRes LWP::UserAgent




No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to \*(C`[email protected]\*(C', or through the web interface at <>.



There are some live tests included, but they are only run if the following environment variables are set:


Additionally, if your app is a desktop one, you must set \*(C`WFA_DESKTOP_TEST\*(C'. Also, the session key must be valid for the \s-1API\s0 key being used.

To enable \s-1POD\s0 coverage and \s-1POD\s0 formattings tests, set \*(C`PERL_TEST_POD\*(C' to true. To enable Perl::Critic tests, set \*(C`_PERL_TEST_CRITIC\*(C' to true.


David Romano \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'


Anthony Bouvier \*(C`none\*(C'

Clayton Scott \*(C`\*(C'

David Leadbeater \*(C`\*(C'

Derek Del Conte \*(C`[email protected]\*(C'

Gisle Aas \*(C`none\*(C'

J. Shirley \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Jim Spath \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Kevin Riggle \*(C`none\*(C'

Larry Mak \*(C`none\*(C'

Louis-Philippe \*(C`none\*(C'

Matt Sickler \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Nick Gerakines \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Olaf Alders \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Patrick Michael Kane \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Ryan D Johnson \*(C`[email protected]\*(C'

Sean O'Rourke \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Shawn Van Ittersum \*(C`none\*(C'

Simon Cavalletto \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'

Skyler Clark \*(C`none\*(C'

Thomas Sibley \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'


Copyright (c) 2007-2010, David Romano \*(C`<[email protected]>\*(C'. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.


\s-1BECAUSE\s0 \s-1THIS\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \s-1IS\s0 \s-1LICENSED\s0 \s-1FREE\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1CHARGE\s0, \s-1THERE\s0 \s-1IS\s0 \s-1NO\s0 \s-1WARRANTY\s0 \s-1FOR\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0, \s-1TO\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1EXTENT\s0 \s-1PERMITTED\s0 \s-1BY\s0 \s-1APPLICABLE\s0 \s-1LAW\s0. \s-1EXCEPT\s0 \s-1WHEN\s0 \s-1OTHERWISE\s0 \s-1STATED\s0 \s-1IN\s0 \s-1WRITING\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1COPYRIGHT\s0 \s-1HOLDERS\s0 \s-1AND/OR\s0 \s-1OTHER\s0 \s-1PARTIES\s0 \s-1PROVIDE\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \*(L"\s-1AS\s0 \s-1IS\s0\*(R" \s-1WITHOUT\s0 \s-1WARRANTY\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1ANY\s0 \s-1KIND\s0, \s-1EITHER\s0 \s-1EXPRESSED\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1IMPLIED\s0, \s-1INCLUDING\s0, \s-1BUT\s0 \s-1NOT\s0 \s-1LIMITED\s0 \s-1TO\s0, \s-1THE\s0 \s-1IMPLIED\s0 \s-1WARRANTIES\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1MERCHANTABILITY\s0 \s-1AND\s0 \s-1FITNESS\s0 \s-1FOR\s0 A \s-1PARTICULAR\s0 \s-1PURPOSE\s0. \s-1THE\s0 \s-1ENTIRE\s0 \s-1RISK\s0 \s-1AS\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1QUALITY\s0 \s-1AND\s0 \s-1PERFORMANCE\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \s-1IS\s0 \s-1WITH\s0 \s-1YOU\s0. \s-1SHOULD\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \s-1PROVE\s0 \s-1DEFECTIVE\s0, \s-1YOU\s0 \s-1ASSUME\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1COST\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1ALL\s0 \s-1NECESSARY\s0 \s-1SERVICING\s0, \s-1REPAIR\s0, \s-1OR\s0 \s-1CORRECTION\s0.

\s-1IN\s0 \s-1NO\s0 \s-1EVENT\s0 \s-1UNLESS\s0 \s-1REQUIRED\s0 \s-1BY\s0 \s-1APPLICABLE\s0 \s-1LAW\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1AGREED\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1IN\s0 \s-1WRITING\s0 \s-1WILL\s0 \s-1ANY\s0 \s-1COPYRIGHT\s0 \s-1HOLDER\s0, \s-1OR\s0 \s-1ANY\s0 \s-1OTHER\s0 \s-1PARTY\s0 \s-1WHO\s0 \s-1MAY\s0 \s-1MODIFY\s0 \s-1AND/OR\s0 \s-1REDISTRIBUTE\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \s-1AS\s0 \s-1PERMITTED\s0 \s-1BY\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1ABOVE\s0 \s-1LICENSE\s0, \s-1BE\s0 \s-1LIABLE\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1YOU\s0 \s-1FOR\s0 \s-1DAMAGES\s0, \s-1INCLUDING\s0 \s-1ANY\s0 \s-1GENERAL\s0, \s-1SPECIAL\s0, \s-1INCIDENTAL\s0, \s-1OR\s0 \s-1CONSEQUENTIAL\s0 \s-1DAMAGES\s0 \s-1ARISING\s0 \s-1OUT\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1USE\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1INABILITY\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1USE\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 (\s-1INCLUDING\s0 \s-1BUT\s0 \s-1NOT\s0 \s-1LIMITED\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1LOSS\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1DATA\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1DATA\s0 \s-1BEING\s0 \s-1RENDERED\s0 \s-1INACCURATE\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1LOSSES\s0 \s-1SUSTAINED\s0 \s-1BY\s0 \s-1YOU\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1THIRD\s0 \s-1PARTIES\s0 \s-1OR\s0 A \s-1FAILURE\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0 \s-1TO\s0 \s-1OPERATE\s0 \s-1WITH\s0 \s-1ANY\s0 \s-1OTHER\s0 \s-1SOFTWARE\s0), \s-1EVEN\s0 \s-1IF\s0 \s-1SUCH\s0 \s-1HOLDER\s0 \s-1OR\s0 \s-1OTHER\s0 \s-1PARTY\s0 \s-1HAS\s0 \s-1BEEN\s0 \s-1ADVISED\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1THE\s0 \s-1POSSIBILITY\s0 \s-1OF\s0 \s-1SUCH\s0 \s-1DAMAGES\s0.