Detailed Description

The globus_gsi_proxy library is motivated by the desire to provide a abstraction layer for the proxy creation and delegation process. For background on this process please refer to the proxy certificate profile draft.

Any program that uses Globus GSI Proxy functions must include 'globus_gsi_proxy.h'.

We envision the API being used in the following manner:

Delegator: Delegatee: set desired cert info extension in the handle by using the handle set functions. globus_gsi_proxy_create_req globus_gsi_proxy_inquire_req modify cert info extension by using handle set/get/clear functions.globus_gsi_proxy_sign_req globus_gsi_proxy_assemble_cred

The API documentation is divided into the following sections

  • Activation

  • Handle Management

  • Handle Attributes

  • Proxy Operations

  • Proxy Constants


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