#include <math.h>

int finite(double x);

int finitef(float x);

int finitel(long double x);

int isinf(double x);

int isinff(float x);

int isinfl(long double x);

int isnan(double x);

int isnanf(float x);

int isnanl(long double x);

Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

finite(), finitef(), finitel():




or cc -std=c99

isinff(), isinfl():




or cc -std=c99

isnanf(), isnanl():



The finite(), finitef(), and finitel() functions return a nonzero value if x is neither infinite nor a "not-a-number" (NaN) value, and 0 otherwise.

The isnan(), isnanf(), and isnanl() functions return a nonzero value if x is a NaN value, and 0 otherwise.

The isinf(), isinff(), and isinfl() functions return 1 if x is positive infinity, -1 if x is negative infinity, and 0 otherwise.


Multithreading (see pthreads(7))

The finite(), finitef(), finitel(), isinf(), isinff(), isinfl(), isnan(), isnanf(), and isnanl() functions are thread-safe.


Note that these functions are obsolete. C99 defines macros isfinite(), isinf(), and isnan() (for all types) replacing them. Further note that the C99 isinf() has weaker guarantees on the return value. See fpclassify(3).

RELATED TO isinff…


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