#include <stdint.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <ldns/ldns.h>

size_t ldns_rdf_size(const ldns_rdf *rd);

ldns_rdf_type ldns_rdf_get_type(const ldns_rdf *rd);

uint8_t* ldns_rdf_data(const ldns_rdf *rd);

int ldns_rdf_compare(const ldns_rdf *rd1, const ldns_rdf *rd2);


ldns_rdf_size() returns the size of the rdf. .br *rd: the rdf to read from .br Returns uint16_t with the size

ldns_rdf_get_type() returns the type of the rdf. We need to insert _get_ here to prevent conflict the the rdf_type TYPE. .br *rd: the rdf to read from .br Returns ldns_rdf_type with the type

ldns_rdf_data() returns the data of the rdf. .br *rd: the rdf to read from

.br Returns uint8_t* pointer to the rdf's data

ldns_rdf_compare() compares two rdf's on their wire formats. (To order dnames according to rfc4034, use ldns_dname_compare) .br rd1: the first one .br rd2: the second one .br Returns 0 if equal .br Returns -1 if rd1 comes before rd2 .br Returns +1 if rd2 comes before rd1


The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben.


Please report bugs to [email protected] or in our bugzilla at


Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs.

Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

RELATED TO ldns_rdf_data…

ldns_rdf. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035.


This manpage was automaticly generated from the ldns source code by use of Doxygen and some perl.