Detailed Description

This is the set of nodes Coin implements using the original Open Inventor pattern, meaning they read and write to and from files using the Inventor/VRML1 format, and produce side-effects for subsequent siblings under the same SoSeparator node during action traversal.

A subset of these nodes constitute the VRML1 format, and a bigger subset constitutes the Inventor format. The rest of the nodes are extensions that are not part of any standardized format.

For VRML97 nodes, see the VRML97 Classes page.

The VRML1.0 specification is at

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SO_NODE_HEADER(classname)

This macro adds standard declarations needed in Coin nodes for object creation and type identification.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_ABSTRACT_HEADER(classname)

This macro adds standard declarations needed in Coin nodes for type identification. It differs from SO_NODE_HEADER in that the object creation part is omitted.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_INIT_CLASS(classname, parentclass, parentname)

This macro is used in the initClass-function in a node class. It registers the class by name (by creating a new SoType for the class), so file reading will be able to create a node of this type and fill it with its field values.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_INIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(classname, parentclass, parentname)

This macro is used in the initClass-function in abstract node classes. It registers the class by name (by creating a new SoType for the class) for type identification purposes.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_SOURCE(classname)

This macro sets up the impementation of the declarations in SO_NODE_HEADER. It chould be placed in the implementation file for extension nodes.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_ABSTRACT_SOURCE(classname)

This macro sets up the impementation of the declarations in SO_NODE_ABSTRACT_HEADER. It chould be placed in the implementation file for abstract extension nodes.

See also:


#define SO_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR(classname)

Place this in the node constructor. It sets up the fielddata object for the node class.


This macro can be used as a predicate to test if the constructed node is the first constructed instance of a node class, in case some extra initialization needs to be done that can't be done in the initClass() function.

#define SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(field, defaultvalue)

This registers a field for a node, and sets its value to the default value. For use in the constructor, below the SO_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR macro.

#define SO_NODE_DEFINE_ENUM_VALUE(enumname, enumvalue)

This macro associates enum names with values, used for file input/output.

Function Documentation

\fBSoType\fP SoTexture::getClassTypeId (void)\fC [static]\fP

Common base class for texture nodes. SoTexture SoTexture.h Inventor/nodes/SoTexture.h

Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.


Coin 3.0


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