plsurf3dl(x, y, z, nx, ny, opt, clevel, nlevel, indexxmin, indexxmax, indexymin, indexymax)


This variant of plsurf3d(3plplot) (see that function's documentation for more details) should be suitable for the case where the area of the x, y coordinate grid where z is defined can be non-rectangular. The limits of that grid are provided by the parameters indexxmin, indexxmax, indexymin, and indexymax.

Redacted form: plsurf3dl(x, y, z, opt, clevel, indexxmin, indexymin, indexymax)

This function is not used in any examples.


x (const PLFLT *, input)

Pointer to set of x coordinate values at which the function is evaluated.

y (const PLFLT *, input)

Pointer to set of y coordinate values at which the function is evaluated.

z (const PLFLT * const *, input)

Pointer to a vectored two-dimensional array with set of function values.

nx (PLINT, input)

Number of x values at which function is evaluated.

ny (PLINT, input)

Number of y values at which function is evaluated.

opt (PLINT, input)

Determines the way in which the surface is represented. To specify more than one option just add the options, e.g. FACETED + SURF_CONT opt=FACETED: Network of lines is drawn connecting points at which function is defined. opt=BASE_CONT: A contour plot is drawn at the base XY plane using parameters nlevel and clevel. opt=SURF_CONT: A contour plot is drawn at the surface plane using parameters nlevel and clevel. opt=DRAW_SIDES: draws a curtain between the base XY plane and the borders of the plotted function. opt=MAG_COLOR: the surface is colored according to the value of Z; if MAG_COLOR is not used, then the default the surface is colored according to the intensity of the reflected light in the surface from a light source whose position is set using pllightsource(3plplot).

clevel (const PLFLT *, input)

Pointer to the array that defines the contour level spacing.

nlevel (PLINT, input)

Number of elements in the clevel array.

indexxmin (PLINT, input)

The index value (which must be ≥ 0) that corresponds to the first x index where z is defined.

indexxmax (PLINT, input)

The index value (which must be ≤ nx) which corresponds (by convention) to one more than the last x index value where z is defined.

indexymin (const PLINT *, input)

Array of y index values which all must be ≥ 0. These values are the first y index where z is defined for a particular x index in the range from indexxmin to indexxmax - 1. The dimension of indexymin is indexxmax.

indexymax (const PLINT *, input)

Array of y index values which all must be ≤ ny. These values correspond (by convention) to one more than the last y index where z is defined for a particular x index in the range from indexxmin to indexxmax - 1. The dimension of indexymax is indexxmax.


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