#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_tdclrs(int iwid, int ibow, float shde, float shdr, int iofc, int iolc, int ilmt)


This routine is called to do the GKS calls defining the following colors on a specified workstation (NSHD is equal to IOLC-IOFC+1, the number of elements in each block of color shades):

  Color 0 = background color (depends on IBOW)
  Color 1 = foreground color (depends on IBOW)
  Color 2 = red (RGB values 1,0,0)
  Color 3 = green (RGB values 0,1,0)
  Color 4 = blue (RGB values 0,0,1)
  Color 5 = cyan (RGB values 0,1,1)
  Color 6 = magenta (RGB values 1,0,1)
  Color 7 = yellow (RGB values 1,1,0)
  Colors IOFC - IOLC = grays, white to black
  Colors IOFC+NSHD - IOLC+NSHD = grays
  Colors IOFC+2*NSHD - IOLC+2*NSHD = reds
  Colors IOFC+3*NSHD - IOLC+3*NSHD = greens
  Colors IOFC+4*NSHD - IOLC+4*NSHD = blues
  Colors IOFC+5*NSHD - IOLC+5*NSHD = cyans
  Colors IOFC+6*NSHD - IOLC+6*NSHD = magentas
  Colors IOFC+7*NSHD - IOLC+7*NSHD = yellows

The colors defined by calling TDCLRS may be used for any purpose, but they are particularly useful when calling TDPACK routines to render surfaces.

The arguments of TDCLRS are as follows:


(an input expression of type INTEGER) - the workstation identifier.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) - a flag specifying the basic color scheme (white on black or black on white). If IBOW is 0, the foreground color is white and the background color is black; if IBOW is non-zero, the opposite is true.


(input expressions of type REAL) - each of these values is between 0 and 1, inclusive, specifying how color shades are to be generated. Values of SHDE near 0 call for more intense shades to be used, while values near 1 call for more nearly pastel shades to be used. Values of SHDR near 0 say that a narrower range of shades is to be used, while values near 1 say that a broader range of shades is to be used.


(input expressions of type INTEGER) - these specify the first and last integers in a block of color indices to be used for NSHD shades of gray ranging from pure white to pure black (where NSHD=IOLC-IOFC+1). The next NSHD indices (in numerical order) will be used for the shades of gray selected by SHDE and SHDR; the next NSHD indices after that for selected shades of red, the next NSHD indices after that for selected shades of green, and so on.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) - Using a value between 1 and 7, inclusive, says that only that many blocks of NSHD indices will be defined. For example, if ILMT has the value 4, only the black-to-white scale and the shades of gray, red, and green will be generated; shades of blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow will not be. (This allows one to have more shades of each color at the expense of using fewer colors.) Using a value of ILMT less than 1 or greater than 7 will result in all 8*NSHD sets of color shades being defined.


The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.


To use TDCLRS or c_tdclrs, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

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