#include <xpa.h>

  XPA XPAOpen(char *mode);


XPAOpen() allocates a persistent \s-1XPA\s0 struct that can be used with calls to XPAGet(), XPASet(), XPAInfo(), XPAGetFd(), and XPASetFd(). Persistence means that a connection to an \s-1XPA\s0 server is not closed when one of the above calls is completed but will be re-used on successive calls. Using XPAOpen() therefore saves the time it takes to connect to a server, which could be significant with slow connections or if there will be a large number of exchanges with a given access point. The mode argument currently is ignored (\*(L"reserved for future use\*(R").

An \s-1XPA\s0 struct is returned if XPAOpen() was successful; otherwise \s-1NULL\s0 is returned. This returned struct can be passed as the first argument to XPAGet(), etc. Those calls will update the list of active \s-1XPA\s0 connections. Already connected servers (from a previous call) are left connected and new servers also will be connected. Old servers (from a previous call) that are no longer needed are disconnected. The connected servers will remain connected when the next call to XPAGet() is made and connections are once again updated.

Example -

#include <xpa.h>

XPA xpa; xpa = XPAOpen(NULL);

RELATED TO xpaopen…

See xpa(7) for a list of \s-1XPA\s0 help pages