Number of words, synsets, and senses

POS< strong> Unique< strong> Synsets< strong> Total<
strong> Strings< strong> Word-Sense Pairs< strong>
Noun 117798 82115 146312
Verb 11529 13767 25047
Adjective 21479 18156 30002
Adverb 4481 3621 5580
Totals 155287 120982 206941

Polysemy information

POS< strong> Monosemous< strong> Polysemous< strong> Polysemous<
strong> Words and Senses< strong> Words< strong> Senses<
strong> Noun 101863 15935 44449
Verb 6277 5252 18770
Adjective 16503 4976 14399
Adverb 3748 733 1832
Totals 128391 26896 79450
POS< strong> Average Polysemy< strong> Average Polysemy<
strong> Including Monosemous Words< strong> Excluding Monosemous Words<
strong> Noun 1.24 2.79
Verb 2.17 3.57
Adjective 1.40 2.71
Adverb 1.25 2.50


Statistics for all types of adjectives and adjective satellites are combined.

The total of all unique noun, verb, adjective, and adverb strings is actually 147278. However, many strings are unique within a syntactic category, but are in more than one syntactic category. The figures in the table represent the unique strings in each syntactic category.