llvm-readobj [options] [input...]


The llvm-readobj tool displays low-level format-specific information about one or more object files. The tool and its output is primarily designed for use in FileCheck-based tests.


If input is "-" or omitted, llvm-readobj reads from standard input. Otherwise, it will read from the specified filenames.


Print a summary of command line options.


Display the version of this program

-file-headers, -h

Display file headers.

-sections, -s

Display all sections.

-section-data, -sd

When used with -sections, display section data for each section shown.

-section-relocations, -sr

When used with -sections, display relocations for each section shown.

-section-symbols, -st

When used with -sections, display symbols for each section shown.

-relocations, -r

Display the relocation entries in the file.

-symbols, -t

Display the symbol table.


Display the dynamic symbol table (only for ELF object files).

-unwind, -u

Display unwind information.


When used with -relocations, display each relocation in an expanded multi-line format.


Display the ELF .dynamic section table (only for ELF object files).


Display the needed libraries (only for ELF object files).


Display the ELF program headers (only for ELF object files).


llvm-readobj returns 0.


Maintained by The LLVM Team (


2003-2014, LLVM Project