mcpp [options] [<infile> [<outfile>]]


mcpp is a C/C++ preprocessor with the highest conformance which implements C90, C99 and C++98. mcpp has plentiful diagnostics and many #pragmas. It is useful to check portability of your program, and also useful to debug complicated macro. This is a man-page for mcpp of compiler-independent-build.


mcpp expects two file names as arguments, <infile> and <outfile>. If not specified, <infile> defaults to standard input and <outfile> defaults to standard output.

It takes the following options.

Commonly used options:


Specify preprocessing mode. MODE should be one of these 4:


Standard conforming mode. (default)

-@poststd, -@post

special 'post-Standard' mode.


K&R 1st mode.

-@oldprep, -@old

"old_preprocessor" mode (i.e. "Reiser model" cpp).


Output also comments.

-D <macro>[=<value>]

Define <macro> as <value> (default:1).

-D <macro(args)>[=<replace>]

Define <macro(args)> as <replace>.

-e <encoding>

Change the default multi-byte character encoding to one of: euc_jp, gb2312, ksc5601, big5, sjis, iso2022_jp, utf8.

-I <directory>

Add <directory> to the #include search list.


Unset system or site specific include directories.


Do not output the source line in diagnostics.

-M, -MM, -MD, -MMD, -MP, -MQ target, -MT target, -MF file

Output source file dependency line for makefile.


Don't predefine any non-standard macros.

-o <file>

Output to <file>.


Don't output #line lines.


Output diagnostics to "mcpp.err" (default:stderr).

-U <macro>

Undefine <macro>.


Show version of mcpp.

-W <level>

Set warning level to <level> (OR of {0,1,2,4,8,16}, default:1).


Don't output the included file, only defining macros.

Options available with -@std (default) or -@poststd options:


Process C++ source.


Enable digraphs.

-h <n>

Re-define the pre-defined macro __STDC_HOSTED__ as <n>.

-S <n>

Redefine __STDC__ to <n>, undefine old style macros.

-V <n>

Redefine __STDC_VERSION__ or __cplusplus to <n>.

C with -V199901L specifies C99 mode.

C++ with -V199901L specifies C99 compatible mode.

Options available with only -@std (default) option:


Expand recursive macro more than Standard.


Enable trigraphs.


Embed macro annotations into comments.

Options available with -@std (default), -@kr or -@oldprep options:


Process "assembler" source.


mcpp has the following #pragma directives.

#pragma once

Read the header file only once even if multiply #included.

#pragma __setlocale(

Specify the multibyte character encoding to "encoding". See -e option for the encodings.

#pragma MCPP put_defines

Putout all the macro definitions currently valid.

#pragma MCPP debug <args>

Start to putout debugging informations.

    <args> should be one or more of:
    token expand macro_call path if expression memory getc
#pragma MCPP end_debug <args>

Stop to putout debugging informations.

    <args> are the same with 'debug'.
    No argument specifies all arguments.
#pragma MCPP push_macro(

Save the macro definition to the stack.

#pragma MCPP pop_macro(

Retrieve the macro definition from the stack.

#pragma MCPP preprocess

"Pre-preprocess" the following header files for mcpp.

#pragma MCPP warning any message

Putout warning "any message".


MCPP V.2.7 (2008/03) compiler-independent-build


Do 'man mcpp-gcc' for mcpp of GCC-specific-build. The full documentation for mcpp are maintained as html files. Please see mcpp-manual.html.