tilt <options> <file>


Process template <file> and write output to stdout. With no <file> or when <file> is '-', read template from stdin and use the --type option to determine the template's type.


-l, --list

List template engines + file patterns and exit -t, --type=<pattern> Use this template engine; required if no <file>

-y, --layout=<file>

Use <file> as a layout template


Define variable <name> as <value>

-o, --vars=<ruby>

Evaluate <ruby> to Hash and use for variables

-h, --help

Show this help message

Convert markdown to HTML:

  • $ tilt foo.markdown > foo.html

Process ERB template:

  • $ echo "Answer: <%= 2 + 2 %>" | tilt -t erb Answer: 4

Define variables:

  • $ echo "Answer: <%= 2 + n %>" | tilt --locals="{:n=>40, :x=>0}" Answer: 42 $ echo "Answer: <%= 2 + n %>" | tilt -Dn=40 -Dx=0 Answer: 42