mhash \s-10.9.2\s0


 #include "mhash.h"

Informative Functions

size_t mhash_count(void); size_t mhash_get_block_size(hashid type); char *mhash_get_hash_name(hashid type); size_t mhash_get_hash_pblock(hashid type); hashid mhash_get_mhash_algo( MHASH);

Key Generation Functions

int mhash_keygen_ext(keygenid algorithm, KEYGEN algorithm_data, void* keyword, int keysize, unsigned char* password, int passwordlen);

Initializing Functions

MHASH mhash_init(hashid type); MHASH mhash_hmac_init(const hashid type, void *key, int keysize, int block); MHASH mhash_cp( MHASH);

Update Functions

int mhash(MHASH thread, const void *plaintext, size_t size);

Save/Restore Functions

int mhash_save_state_mem(MHASH thread, void *mem, int* mem_size ); MHASH mhash_restore_state_mem(void* mem);

Finalizing Functions

void mhash_deinit(MHASH thread, void *result); void *mhash_end(MHASH thread); void *mhash_end_m(MHASH thread, void* (*hash_malloc)(size_t));

void *mhash_hmac_end(MHASH thread); void *mhash_hmac_end_m(MHASH thread, void* (*hash_malloc)(size_t)); int mhash_hmac_deinit(MHASH thread, void *result);

Available Hashes

\s-1CRC32\s0: The crc32 algorithm is used to compute checksums. The two variants used in mhash are: \s-1MHASH_CRC32\s0 (like the one used in ethernet) and \s-1MHASH_CRC32B\s0 (like the one used in \s-1ZIP\s0 programs).

\s-1ADLER32\s0: The adler32 algorithm is used to compute checksums. It is faster than \s-1CRC32\s0 and it is considered to be as reliable as \s-1CRC32\s0. This algorithm is defined as \s-1MHASH_ADLER32\s0.

\s-1MD5\s0: The \s-1MD5\s0 algorithm by Ron Rivest and \s-1RSA\s0. In mhash this algorithm is defined as \s-1MHASH_MD5\s0.

\s-1MD4\s0: The \s-1MD4\s0 algorithm by Ron Rivest and \s-1RSA\s0. This algorithm is considered broken, so don't use it. In mhash this algorithm is defined as \s-1MHASH_MD4\s0.

\s-1SHA1\s0/\s-1SHA256\s0: The \s-1SHA\s0 algorithm by \s-1US\s0. \s-1NIST/NSA\s0. This algorithm is specified for use in the \s-1NIST\s0's Digital Signature Standard. In mhash these algorithm are defined as \s-1MHASH_SHA1\s0 and \s-1MHASH_SHA256\s0.

\s-1HAVAL\s0: \s-1HAVAL\s0 is a one-way hashing algorithm with variable length of output. \s-1HAVAL\s0 is a modification of \s-1MD5\s0. Defined in mhash as: \s-1MHASH_HAVAL256\s0, \s-1MHASH_HAVAL192\s0, \s-1MHASH_HAVAL160\s0, \s-1MHASH_HAVAL128\s0.

\s-1RIPEMD160\s0: \s-1RIPEMD-160\s0 is a 160-bit cryptographic hash function, designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel. It is intended to be used as a secure replacement for the 128-bit hash functions \s-1MD4\s0, \s-1MD5\s0, and \s-1RIPEMD\s0. \s-1MD4\s0 and \s-1MD5\s0 were developed by Ron Rivest for \s-1RSA\s0 Data Security, while \s-1RIPEMD\s0 was developed in the framework of the \s-1EU\s0 project \s-1RIPE\s0 (\s-1RACE\s0 Integrity Primitives Evaluation, 1988-1992). In mhash this algorithm is defined as \s-1MHASH_RIPEMD160\s0.

\s-1TIGER\s0: Tiger is a fast hash function, by Eli Biham and Ross Anderson. Tiger was designed to be very fast on modern computers, and in particular on the state-of-the-art 64-bit computers, while it is still not slower than other suggested hash functions on 32-bit machines. In mhash this algorithm is defined as: \s-1MHASH_TIGER\s0, \s-1MHASH_TIGER160\s0, \s-1MHASH_TIGER128\s0.

\s-1GOST\s0: \s-1GOST\s0 algorithm is a russian standard and it uses the \s-1GOST\s0 encryption algorithm to produce a 256 bit hash value. This algorithm is specified for use in the Russian Digital Signature Standard. In mhash this algorithm is defined as \s-1MHASH_GOST\s0.

Available Key Generation algorithms

\s-1KEYGEN_MCRYPT\s0: The key generator used in mcrypt.

\s-1KEYGEN_ASIS\s0: Just returns the password as binary key.

\s-1KEYGEN_HEX\s0: Just converts a hex key into a binary one.

\s-1KEYGEN_PKDES\s0: The transformation used in Phil Karn's \s-1DES\s0 encryption program.

\s-1KEYGEN_S2K_SIMPLE\s0: The OpenPGP (rfc2440) Simple S2K.

\s-1KEYGEN_S2K_SALTED\s0: The OpenPGP Salted S2K.

\s-1KEYGEN_S2K_ISALTED\s0: The OpenPGP Iterated Salted S2K.


The mhash library provides an easy to use C interface for several hash algorithms (also known as \*(L"one-way\*(R" algorithms). These can be used to create checksums, message digests and more. Currently, \s-1MD5\s0, \s-1SHA1\s0, \s-1GOST\s0, \s-1TIGER\s0, \s-1RIPE-MD160\s0, \s-1HAVAL\s0 and several other algorithms are supported. mhash support \s-1HMAC\s0 generation (a mechanism for message authentication using cryptographic hash functions, and is described in rfc2104). \s-1HMAC\s0 can be used to create message digests using a secret key, so that these message digests cannot be regenerated (or replaced) by someone else. A key generation mechanism was added to mhash since key generation algorithms usually involve hash algorithms.


We will describe the \s-1API\s0 of mhash in detail now. The order follows the one in the \s-1SYNOPSIS\s0 directly.

size_t mhash_count(void);

This returns the \*(C`hashid\*(C' of the last available hash. Hashes are numbered from 0 to \*(C`mhash_count()\*(C'.

size_t mhash_get_block_size(hashid type);

If type exists, this returns the used blocksize of the hash type in bytes. Otherwise, it returns 0.

char *mhash_get_hash_name(hashid type);

If type exists, this returns the name of the hash type. Otherwise, a \*(C`NULL\*(C' pointer is returned. The string is allocated with malloc\|(3) separately, so do not forget to free\|(3) it.

const char *mhash_get_hash_name_static(hashid type);

If type exists, this returns the name of the hash type. Otherwise, a \*(C`NULL\*(C' pointer is returned.

size_t mhash_get_hash_pblock(hashid type);

It returns the block size that the algorithm operates. This is used in mhash_hmac_init. If the return value is 0 you shouldn't use that algorithm in \s-1HMAC\s0.

hashid mhash_get_mhash_algo(\s-1MHASH\s0 src);

Returns the algorithm used in the state of src.

\s-1MHASH\s0 mhash_init(hashid type);

This setups a context to begin hashing using the algorithm type. It returns a descriptor to that context which will result in leaking memory, if you do not call mhash_deinit\|(3) later. Returns \*(C`MHASH_FAILED\*(C' on failure.

\s-1MHASH\s0 mhash_hmac_init(const hashid type, void *key, int keysize, int block);

This setups a context to begin hashing using the algorithm type in \s-1HMAC\s0 mode. key should be a pointer to the key and keysize its len. The block is the block size (in bytes) that the algorithm operates. It should be obtained by mhash_get_hash_pblock(). If its 0 it defaults to 64. After calling it you should use mhash() to update the context. It returns a descriptor to that context which will result in leaking memory, if you do not call mhash_hmac_deinit\|(3) later. Returns \*(C`MHASH_FAILED\*(C' on failure.

\s-1MHASH\s0 mhash_cp(\s-1MHASH\s0 src);

This setups a new context using the state of src.

int mhash(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread, const void *plaintext, size_t size);

This updates the context described by thread with plaintext. size is the length of plaintext which may be binary data.

int mhash_save_state_mem( \s-1MHASH\s0 thread, void *mem, int* mem_size);

Saves the state of a hashing algorithm such that it can be restored at some later point in time using mhash_restore_state_mem(). mem_size should contain the size of the given mem pointer. If it is not enough to hold the buffer the required value will be copied there.

\s-1MHASH\s0 mhash_restore_state_mem(void* mem);

Restores the state of a hashing algorithm that was saved using mhash_save_state_mem(). Use like mhash_init().

void *mhash_end(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread);

This frees all resources associated with thread and returns the result of the whole hashing operation (the ``digest'').

void mhash_deinit(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread, void* digest);

This frees all resources associated with thread and stores the result of the whole hashing operation in memory pointed by digest. digest may be null.

void *mhash_hmac_end(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread);

This frees all resources associated with thread and returns the result of the whole hashing operation (the ``mac'').

int mhash_hmac_deinit(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread, void* digest);

This frees all resources associated with thread and stores the result of the whole hashing operation in memory pointed by digest. Digest may be null. Returns non-zero in case of an error.

void *mhash_end_m(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread, void* (*hash_malloc)(size_t));

This frees all resources associated with thread and returns the result of the whole hashing operation (the ``digest''). The result will be allocated by using the hash_malloc() function provided.

void *mhash_hmac_end(\s-1MHASH\s0 thread, void* (*hash_malloc)(size_t));

This frees all resources associated with thread and returns the result of the whole hashing operation (the ``mac''). The result will be allocated by using the hash_malloc() function provided.


We will now describe the Key Generation \s-1API\s0 of mhash in detail.

int mhash_keygen_ext(keygenid algorithm, \s-1KEYGEN\s0 algorithm_data, void* keyword, int keysize, unsigned char* password, int passwordlen);

This function, generates a key from a password. The password is read from password and it's len should be in passwordlen. The key generation algorithm is specified in algorithm, and that algorithm may (internally) use the \s-1KEYGEN\s0 structure. The \s-1KEYGEN\s0 structure consists of: typedef struct keygen {

        hashid          hash_algorithm[2];
        unsigned int    count;
        void*           salt;
        int             salt_size;

} \s-1KEYGEN\s0; The algorithm(s) specified in algorithm_data.hash_algorithm, should be hash algorithms and may be used by the key generation algorithm. Some key generation algorithms may use more than one hash algorithms (view also mhash_keygen_uses_hash_algorithm()). If it is desirable (and supported by the algorithm, eg. \s-1KEYGEN_S2K_SALTED\s0) a salt may be specified in algorithm_data.salt of size algorithm_data.salt_size or may be \s-1NULL\s0. The algorithm may use the algorithm_data.count internally (eg. \s-1KEYGEN_S2K_ISALTED\s0). The generated keyword is stored in keyword, which should be (at least) keysize bytes long. The generated keyword is a binary one. Returns a negative number on failure.

int mhash_keygen_uses_salt( keygenid algorithm);

This function returns 1 if the specified key generation algorithm needs a salt to be specified.

int mhash_keygen_uses_count( keygenid algorithm);

This function returns 1 if the specified key generation algorithm needs the algorithm_data.count field in mhash_keygen_ext(). The count field tells the algorithm to hash repeatedly the password and to stop when count bytes have been processed.

int mhash_get_keygen_salt_size( keygenid algorithm);

This function returns the size of the salt size, that the specific algorithm will use. If it returns 0, then there is no limitation in the size.

int mhash_get_keygen_max_key_size( keygenid algorithm);

This function returns the maximum size of the key, that the key generation algorithm may produce. If it returns 0, then there is no limitation in the size.

int mhash_keygen_uses_hash_algorithm( keygenid algorithm);

This function returns the number of the hash algorithms the key generation algorithm will use. If it is 0 then no hash algorithm is used by the key generation algorithm. This is for the algorithm_data.hash_algorithm field in mhash_keygen_ext(). If

size_t mhash_keygen_count(void);

This returns the \*(C`keygenid\*(C' of the last available key generation algorithm. Algorithms are numbered from 0 to \*(C`mhash_keygen_count()\*(C'.

char *mhash_get_keygen_name(keygenid type);

If type exists, this returns the name of the keygen type. Otherwise, a \*(C`NULL\*(C' pointer is returned. The string is allocated with malloc\|(3) separately, so do not forget to free\|(3) it.

const char *mhash_get_keygen_name_static(keygenid type);

If type exists, this returns the name of the keygen type. Otherwise, a \*(C`NULL\*(C' pointer is returned.


Hashing \s-1STDIN\s0 until \s-1EOF\s0.

#include <mhash.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) { int i; MHASH td; unsigned char buffer; unsigned char hash[16]; /* enough size for MD5 */

td = mhash_init(MHASH_MD5);

if (td == MHASH_FAILED) exit(1);

while (fread(&buffer, 1, 1, stdin) == 1) { mhash(td, &buffer, 1); }

mhash_deinit(td, hash);

printf("Hash:"); for (i = 0; i < mhash_get_block_size(MHASH_MD5); i++) { printf("%.2x", hash[i]); } printf("\n");

exit(0); }


An example program using \s-1HMAC:\s0

#include <mhash.h> #include <stdio.h>

int main() {

char password[] = "Jefe"; int keylen = 4; char data[] = "what do ya want for nothing?"; int datalen = 28; MHASH td; unsigned char mac[16]; int j;

td = mhash_hmac_init(MHASH_MD5, password, keylen, mhash_get_hash_pblock(MHASH_MD5));

mhash(td, data, datalen); mhash_hmac_deinit(td, mac);

/* * The output should be 0x750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738 * according to RFC 2104. */

printf("0x"); for (j = 0; j < mhash_get_block_size(MHASH_MD5); j++) { printf("%.2x", mac[j]); } printf("\n");

exit(0); }


This library was originally written by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos <[email protected]> who passed the project over to Sascha Schumann <[email protected]> in May 1999. Sascha maintained it until March 2000. The library is now maintained by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos.


If you find any, please send a bug report (preferrably together with a patch) to the maintainer with a detailed description on how to reproduce the bug.


Sascha Schumann <[email protected]> Nikos Mavroyanopoulos <[email protected]>