
class IPV4Validator

Classes derived from IPV4Address would require an specific validator to pass to the IPV4Address constructor. class IPV4MulticastValidator

Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses. class IPV4Cidr

The CIDR class is used to support routing tables and validate address policies. class IPV6Cidr

The CIDR class is used to support routing tables and validate address policies. class IPV4Address

The network name and address objects are all derived from a common IPV4Address base class. class IPV4Mask

Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as '') are held in the IPV4Mask derived object. " class IPV4Host

This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket. class IPV4Broadcast

The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for a specific subnet. class IPV4Multicast

A specialization of IPV4Address that provides address validation for multicast addresses. class IPV6Validator

Classes derived from IPV6Address would require an specific validator to pass to the IPV6Address constructor. class IPV6MulticastValidator

Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses. class IPV6Address

The network name and address objects are all derived from a common IPV6Address base class. class IPV6Mask

Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as '') are held in the IPV6Mask derived object. " class IPV6Host

This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket. class IPV6Broadcast

The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for a specific subnet. class IPV6Multicast

A specialization of IPV6Address that provides address validation for multicast addresses. class HEXdump

Produces a dump of a buffer in a hexdump way with its code Ascii translation and relative buffer address. class AppLog

Application logger is a class that implements a logger that can be used by applications to save log file somewhere on the system. class Buffer

The buffer class represents an IPC service that is built upon a buffer of fixed capacity that can be used to transfer objects between one or more producer and consumer threads. class FixedBuffer

A buffer class that holds a known capacity of fixed sized objects defined during creation. class ThreadQueue

Somewhat generic queue processing class to establish a producer consumer queue. class CommandOption

CommandOption is the base class for all command line options. class CommandOptionWithArg

Derived class of CommandOption for options that have a value associated with them. class CommandOptionArg

Class for options with an argument e.g. class CommandOptionRest

It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is exclusive with CommandOptionCollect. class CommandOptionCollect

It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is also exclusive with CommandOptionRest. class CommandOptionNoArg

CommandOption type for flags. class CommandOptionParse

This is the CommandOptionParse interface class. class Counter

The counter template is used for generic objects which act as automatic counters. class Digest

The digest base class is used for implementing and deriving one way hashing functions. class ChecksumDigest

A simple checksum digest function. class CRC16Digest

A crc16 collection/compution hash accumulator class. class CRC32Digest

A crc32 collection/computation hash accumulator class. class MD5Digest

A md5 collection/computation accululator class. class File

class Dir

A low level portable directory class. class DirTree

A generic class to walk a hierarchical directory structure. class RandomFile

The purpose of this class is to define a base class for low level random file access that is portable between Win32 and Posix systems. class ThreadFile

This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple threads. class SharedFile

This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple processes. class MappedFile

Create and map a disk file into memory. class DSO

The DSO dynamic loader class is used to load object files. class MIMEMultipart

A container class for multi-part MIME document objects which can be streamed to a std::ostream destination. class MIMEMultipartForm

The Multipart form is a MIME multipart document specific for the construction and delivery of form data to a web server through a post method. class MIMEItemPart

This is used to attach an item part to a MIME multipart document that is being streamed. class MIMEFormData

This is a document part type for use in submitting multipart form data to a web server. class MemPager

The memory pager is used to allocate cumulative memory pages for storing object specific 'persistant' data that is presumed to persist during the life of a given derived object. class StackPager

The StackPager provides a repository to stash and retrieve working data in last-in-first-out order. class SharedMemPager

The shared mempager uses a mutex to protect key access methods. class Keydata

Keydata objects are used to load and hold 'configuration' data for a given application. class MemPagerObject

This class is used to create derived classes which are constructed within a memory pager pool. class Assoc

This class is used to associate (object) pointers with named strings. class Runlist

A runlist is used to restrict concurrent exection to a limited set of concurrent sessions, much like a semaphore. class Runable

A container for objects that can be queued against a runlist. class NetworkDeviceInfo

Network device information class. class Number

A number manipulation class. class ZNumber

class Date

The Date class uses a julian date representation of the current year, month, and day. class Time

The Time class uses a integer representation of the current time. class Datetime

The Datetime class uses a julian date representation of the current year, month, and day and a integer representation of the current time. class DateNumber

A number class that manipulates a string buffer that is also a date. class objCounter

Generic template class for creating classes which maintain an active count of the number of instances currently in active use. class RefObject

A reference countable object. class RefPointer

Pointer to reference counted objects. class LinkedSingle

Self managed single linked list object chain. class LinkedDouble

Self managed double linked list object chain. class MapTable

A map table allows for entities to be mapped (hash index) onto it. class MapIndex

The MapIndex allows linear access into a MapTable, that otherwise could have its elements being retrieved only by key. class MapObject

The MapObject is a base class which can be used to make a derived class operate on a MapTable. class objList

Used to create and manage a single linked list of objects of a common type. class objMap

Used to create and manage a hash index of objects through a common type. class keyMap

class objSync

Generic template to create objects of a common base type which share a static mutex so that all instances of the class have a global lock. struct cistring_char_traits

class TypeManager

This class manages the types for generation of the persistent objects. class BaseObject

BaseObject. class Engine

Engine. class Pointer

Used to create and manage referece counted pointers. class Process

A class for containing portable process related functions that help create portable code. class Lockfile

This class is used to create a 'named' lock entity that can be used to control access to a resource between multiple processes. class Serial

The Serial class is used as the base for all serial I/O services under APE. class TTYStream

TTY streams are used to represent serial connections that are fully 'streamable' objects using C++ stream classes and friends. class ttystream

A more natural C++ 'ttystream' class for use by non-threaded applications. class TTYSession

The TTYSession aggragates a TTYStream and a Common C++ Thread which is assumed to be the execution context that will be used to perform actual I/O operations. class SerialPort

The serial port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specified SerialService thread. class SerialService

The SerialService is a thead service object that is meant to service attached serial ports. class Slog

The slog class is used to stream messages to the system's logging facility (syslogd). class Socket

The Socket is used as the base for all Internet protocol services under Common C++. class DCCPSocket

DCCP sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two sockets. class UDPSocket

UDP sockets implement the TCP SOCK_DGRAM UDP protocol. class UDPBroadcast

Representing a UDP socket used for subnet broadcasts, this class provides an alternate binding and setPeer() capability for UDP sockets. class UDPTransmit

Representing half of a two-way UDP connection, the UDP transmitter can broadcast data to another selected peer host or to an entire subnet. class UDPReceive

Representing half of a two-way UDP connection, the UDP receiver can receive data from another peer host or subnet. class UDPDuplex

UDP duplex connections impliment a bi-directional point-to-point UDP session between two peer hosts. class TCPSocket

TCP sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two sockets. class TCPV6Socket

TCPV6 sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two ipv6 sockets. class TCPStream

TCP streams are used to represent TCP client connections to a server by TCP protocol servers for accepting client connections. class TCPSession

The TCP session is used to primarily to represent a client connection that can be managed on a separate thread. class SimpleTCPStream

Simple TCP Stream, to be used with Common C++ Library. class SocketPort

The socket port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specific SocketService 'object'. class SocketService

The SocketService is a thread pool object that is meant to service attached socket ports. class SSLStream

class String

This is a generic and portable string class. class SString

class StringObject

The StringObject class is used to derive subclasses that use the String managed memory pool for all space allocations by overriding new and delete operators. class Mutex

The Mutex class is used to protect a section of code so that at any given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation. class MutexLock

The MutexLock class is used to protect a section of code so that at any given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation. class ThreadLock

The ThreadLock class impliments a thread rwlock for optimal reader performance on systems which have rwlock support, and reverts to a simple mutex for those that do not. class ReadLock

The ReadLock class is used to protect a section of code through a ThreadLock for 'read' access to the member function. class WriteLock

The WriteLock class is used to protect a section of code through a ThreadLock for 'write' access to the member function. class MutexCounter

The Mutex Counter is a counter variable which can safely be incremented or decremented by multiple threads. class AtomicCounter

The AtomicCounter class offers thread-safe manipulation of an integer counter. class Conditional

A conditional variable synchcronization object for one to one and one to many signal and control events between processes. class Semaphore

A semaphore is generally used as a synchronization object between multiple threads or to protect a limited and finite resource such as a memory or thread pool. class SemaphoreLock

The SemaphoreLock class is used to protect a section of code through a semaphore so that only x instances of the member function may execute concurrently. class Event

The Event class implements a feature originally found in the WIN32 API; event notification. class Thread

Every thread of execution in an application is created by instantiating an object of a class derived from the Thread class. class Cancellation

A class to automatically set the thread cancellation mode of a member function. class PosixThread

class ThreadKey

This class allows the creation of a thread context unique 'pointer' that can be set and retrieved and can be used to create thread specific data areas for implementing 'thread safe' library routines. class TimerPort

Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed under a 'service thread' such as SocketService. class SysTime

This class is used to access non-reentrant date and time functions in the standard C library. class StringTokenizer

Splits delimited string into tokens. class UnixSocket

Unix domain sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between processes on the same machine. class UnixStream

Unix streams are used to represent Unix domain client connections to a local server for accepting client connections. class unixstream

A more natural C++ 'unixstream' class for use by non-threaded applications. class UnixSession

The Unix domain session is used to primarily to represent a client connection that can be managed on a separate thread. class URLStream

A URL processing version of TCPStream. class XMLStream

This class impliments a basic XML stream parser that can be used to examine an XML resource thru virtual I/O methods. class XMLRPC

This class impliments a core XMLRPC service without the underlying transports. class IZStream

class OZStream


typedef unsigned short tpport_t

Transport Protocol Ports. typedef unsigned long pos_t

typedef size_t ccxx_size_t


std::string_char_traits< char > cstring_char_traits"

typedef std::basic_string< char > cstring

typedef std::basic_string

< char, cistring_char_traits

< char > > cistring"

typedef class BaseObject *(* NewBaseObjectFunction )(void)

typedef int signo_t


__EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IPV4Address &ia)

struct in_addr getaddress (const IPV4Address &ia)

__EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IPV6Address &ia)

struct in6_addr getaddress (const IPV6Address &ia)

__EXPORT AppLog & debug (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for debug level. __EXPORT AppLog & warn (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for warn level. __EXPORT AppLog & error (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for error level. __EXPORT AppLog & emerg (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for emerg level. __EXPORT AppLog & alert (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for alert level. __EXPORT AppLog & critical (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for critical level. __EXPORT AppLog & notice (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for notice level. __EXPORT AppLog & info (AppLog &sl)

Manipulator for info level. __EXPORT CommandOptionParse * makeCommandOptionParse (int argc, char **argv, const char *comment, CommandOption *options=defaultCommandOptionList)

makeCommandOptionParse will create an implementation of a CommandOptionParse object. template<typename T > const T & abs (const T &v)

__EXPORT void endKeydata (void)

__EXPORT void * memmove (char *dest, const char *source, size_t length)

__EXPORT char * strdup (const char *str)

__EXPORT int lockf (int fd, int mode, long offset)

char * strtok_r (char *s, const char *d, char **x)

__EXPORT char * lsetField (char *target, size_t size, const char *src, const char fill=0)

__EXPORT char * rsetField (char *target, size_t size, const char *src, const char fill=0)

__EXPORT char * setString (char *target, size_t size, const char *src)

__EXPORT char * addString (char *target, size_t size, const char *src)

__EXPORT char * newString (const char *src, size_t size=0)

__EXPORT void delString (char *str)

__EXPORT char * setUpper (char *string, size_t size)

__EXPORT char * setLower (char *string, size_t size)

__EXPORT char * find (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

__EXPORT char * rfind (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

__EXPORT char * ifind (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

__EXPORT char * strip (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

__EXPORT size_t strchop (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

__EXPORT size_t strtrim (const char *cs, char *str, size_t len=0)

char * dupString (const char *src, size_t size=0)

struct timespec * getTimeout (struct timespec *spec, timeout_t timeout)

void wait (signo_t signo)

Thread * getThread (void)

struct tm * localtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *b)

char * ctime_r (const time_t *t, char *buf)

struct tm * gmtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *b)

char * asctime_r (const struct tm *tm, char *b)


class __EXPORT IPV4Host

class __EXPORT IPV6Host

__EXPORT AppLog alog

alog global log stream definition __EXPORT CommandOption * defaultCommandOptionList

This defines a linked list head pointer for all the command line options that use the default list. class __EXPORT MIMEMultipart

class __EXPORT MIMEItemPart

class __EXPORT Runlist

class __EXPORT Runable

class __EXPORT MapObject

class __EXPORT MapIndex

class __EXPORT SerialPort

class __EXPORT SerialService

__EXPORT Slog slog

class __EXPORT SimpleTCPStream

class __EXPORT SocketPort

class __EXPORT SocketService

class __EXPORT Thread

class __EXPORT ThreadKey

class __EXPORT Conditional

class __EXPORT Event

Typedef Documentation

typedef size_t \fBost::ccxx_size_t\fP

typedef std::basic_string<char, \fBcistring_char_traits\fP<char> > \fBost::cistring\fP

typedef std::basic_string<char> \fBost::cstring\fP

typedef std::string_char_traits<char> \fBost::cstring_char_traits\fP

typedef class \fBBaseObject\fP*(* ost::NewBaseObjectFunction)(void)

typedef unsigned long \fBost::pos_t\fP

typedef int \fBost::signo_t\fP

typedef unsigned short \fBost::tpport_t\fP

Transport Protocol Ports.

Examples: SampleSocketPort.cpp.

Function Documentation

template<typename T > const T& ost::abs (const T &v)\fC [inline]\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::addString (char *target, size_tsize, const char *src)

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::alert (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for alert level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

char* ost::asctime_r (const struct tm *tm, char *b)\fC [inline]\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::critical (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for critical level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

char* ost::ctime_r (const time_t *t, char *buf)\fC [inline]\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::debug (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for debug level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

\fB__EXPORT\fP void ost::delString (char *str)

char* ost::dupString (const char *src, size_tsize = \fC0\fP)\fC [inline]\fP

References newString().

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::emerg (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for emerg level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

\fB__EXPORT\fP void ost::endKeydata (void)

This should be used before detaching a deamon, exec(), fork(), etc.

References ost::Keydata::end().

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::error (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for error level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

Referenced by ost::Serial::error(), ost::Socket::error(), and ost::RandomFile::error().

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::find (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

Referenced by ost::String::find().

struct in_addr ost::getaddress (const IPV4Address &ia)

struct in6_addr ost::getaddress (const IPV6Address &ia)

\fBThread\fP* ost::getThread (void)\fC [inline]\fP

References ost::Thread::get().

struct timespec* ost::getTimeout (struct timespec *spec, \fBtimeout_t\fPtimeout)

struct tm* ost::gmtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *b)

References ost::SysTime::getGMTTime().

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::ifind (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::info (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for info level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

struct tm* ost::localtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *b)

References ost::SysTime::getLocalTime().

\fB__EXPORT\fP int ost::lockf (intfd, intmode, longoffset)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::lsetField (char *target, size_tsize, const char *src, const charfill = \fC0\fP)

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBCommandOptionParse\fP* ost::makeCommandOptionParse (intargc, char **argv, const char *comment, CommandOption *options = \fCdefaultCommandOptionList\fP)

makeCommandOptionParse will create an implementation of a CommandOptionParse object. This particular implementation is a wrapper around getopt_long(3). That interface unfortunatly does not provide enough information to give the best error messages with malformed input. If the implementation changes there is a good chance that the binary interface will remain the same.

Examples: cmdlineopt.cpp.

\fB__EXPORT\fP void* ost::memmove (char *dest, const char *source, size_tlength)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::newString (const char *src, size_tsize = \fC0\fP)

Referenced by dupString().

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::notice (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for notice level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

\fB__EXPORT\fP std::ostream& ost::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IPV4Address &ia)

\fB__EXPORT\fP std::ostream& ost::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IPV6Address &ia)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::rfind (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::rsetField (char *target, size_tsize, const char *src, const charfill = \fC0\fP)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::setLower (char *string, size_tsize)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::setString (char *target, size_tsize, const char *src)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::setUpper (char *string, size_tsize)

\fB__EXPORT\fP size_t ost::strchop (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

Referenced by ost::String::chop().

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::strdup (const char *str)

\fB__EXPORT\fP char* ost::strip (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

char* ost::strtok_r (char *s, const char *d, char **x)\fC [inline]\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP size_t ost::strtrim (const char *cs, char *str, size_tlen = \fC0\fP)

Referenced by ost::String::trim().

void ost::wait (signo_tsigno)

Examples: cmdlineopt.cpp.

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP& ost::warn (AppLog &sl)\fC [inline]\fP

Manipulator for warn level.


sl application logger stream


application logger stream

Variable Documentation

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBAppLog\fP ost::alog

alog global log stream definition

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::Conditional\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBCommandOption\fP* ost::defaultCommandOptionList

This defines a linked list head pointer for all the command line options that use the default list. It will most likely be used in most cases without being explicitly referenced in application code. It is a default value of various method's parameters.

Examples: cmdlineopt.cpp.

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::Event\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::IPV4Host\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::IPV6Host\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::MapIndex\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::MapObject\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::MIMEItemPart\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::MIMEMultipart\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::Runable\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::Runlist\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::SerialPort\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::SerialService\fP

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::SimpleTCPStream\fP

\fB__EXPORT\fP \fBSlog\fP ost::slog

Examples: slogTest.cpp.

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::SocketPort\fP

Examples: SampleSocketPort.cpp.

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::SocketService\fP

Examples: SampleSocketPort.cpp, and tcpservice.cpp.

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::Thread\fP

Examples: SampleSocketPort.cpp.

class \fB__EXPORT\fP \fBost::ThreadKey\fP


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